Almasri case, because Italy, Libyan, accused of crimes against humanity, released

Important news about the almasri case: Premier Giorgia Meloni received a warranty notification from the prosecutor of Cumhuriyet Francesco Lo Voi for crimes of helping and embezzling money “. The warranty notifications were also planted, Nordio and Mantofvano.

The release and return of the Libyan commander against the Humanity of the International Criminal Court of War Crimes and the Mittiga prison near Tripoli since February 2011 had reacted many political debates and reaction by the same court. Why did Italy release Osama Almasri?


Let’s go to order. On January 18, the International Criminal Court, the President of the Libyan Judiciary Police and the President of the Mentiga Detention Center Najem Osama Almasri issued a setback. The Libyan commander was released in Turin on January 19 the next day and was arrested, then released on January 21 with the court “without notification or consultation”. For this reason, the International Criminal Court asked our country to explain the reasons for his liberation, which will be realized due to an official debate that prevents him from continuing to arrest. In particular, the lack of intervention by Justice Minister Carlo Nordio is mentioned.

In fact, Almasri’s release regulation is read: “The prosecutor asks that this Court has declared the irritation of the arrest with the Minister of Justice, which was made with the Minister of Justice, with the International Criminal Court, in relation to the minister affected by this office; It has not received any requests on the subject immediately after and to date.

Simplification could not confirm the arrest of Almasri because he did not get the authority of the Minister of Justice. Practically, the Minister Nordio was informed, but he would not respond to the prosecutor and allowed the magistrate judges to be released in Amasri.

In the boat between Meloni and Magistrate Judges and response

Prime Minister Giorgia had already reported the version of the Meloni, that is, Almasri’s “The government is not in the election of the judiciary, it was released in the hands of the judiciary. We will give explanations, but we will also ask CPI because it took months. This is highlighting the arrest order”.

The response of the National Association of Magistrates’ Rights (ANM) is ready to speak instead of the inertia that may respect international obligations and ask for the detention of the unpaid Minister of Justice “. In the meantime, Salvini shouts “shame,” Renzi talks about “political mistake”.

Source: Today IT
