Defeated Red Togas for Voting, but continue to command

Pyrrhus’s victory of the Center -Direct Togas, which collects most ANM, but remains on the check of the left chains. Elections of the Management Committee of the National Association of Magistrates on paper mark a change of rhythm, with an independent judiciary first “party”, after gradually gathered 2,065 preferences, out of a total of 6,855 voters, which allow the oldest of the currents of the judiciary to take home eleven chairs of the board. Next, with 1,803 votes equal to 9 seats, AREADG, the formation born of a rib of the democratic judiciary, the stream of the red togas that Silvio Berlusconi defined the armed arm of the left, which used judicial investigations as a club against opponents. MD placed himself in fourth place, with 1081 preferences and 6 seats, immediately under Unicost unit to the Constitution, which brought home 1,560 votes equal to 8 seats. The other two armchairs of the ANM council went to the article Centonuno, which took 304 preferences. In short, the reward numbers, which expressed satisfaction, considering “this success a recognition of the group’s political line, characterized by the clarity of ideas, opening to dialogue and moderation”, as well as “the opportunity to establish foundations for a project intended for to the future of the category »with the affirmation of younger candidates.

But the agreement that the center of downtown has closed, in recent weeks, with the AREADG current may be a boomerang. Together, the two formations could tow the Togas Association in a new season, marked by a change of rhythm in the open confrontation line against the government about justice reform. The idea behind the cessation predicted an opening for a constructive comparison in career separation and the CSM draw, but the reduced scissors between the two currents and the growth of consent to MD and Unicost activists opens a different scenario: the possibility of that the three currents of the center -to impose the choice of the president among his ranks.

In the pole position for the guidance of ANM, there is Marco Patarnello, the judge of cassation, elected with a democratic judiciary, who ended up in the center of controversy after the spoon of Il Time, which in the middle of the pearl chaos not valid for detention in Albania He had defined the first -minister Giorgia Meloni more dangerous than Silvio Berlusconi, because he does not act for a Salvacond, but for a political vision that could have put the jurisdiction at risk. Patarnello, who summoned the ANM and CSM unit against the government line, was voted by 234 magistrates and now aims at the top that allows his political manifesto, despite the first of his current one is the Judge Sergio Rossetti (268 preferences).

The most voted of all time, however, is Giuseppe Tango, a labor judge in Palermo and representative of the independent judiciary. 688 preferences went to him, already at Palermo Anm. Moreover, among the elected, the name of Antonio D’Amato, former Toda for CSM and the chief prosecutor in Messina, for which 652 votes were expressed. By area, in the lead with 514 votes, the prosecutor of Rieti Rocco Marotti, member of the Togas Union Termination Council. Finally, for Unicost, the largest number of votes, 414, went to Marcello de Chiara, Judge of Naples.

Source: IL Tempo
