Another not for the detention of migrants in Albania, came from the judges of the Court of Appeal of Rome today. For the third time in a few months, the magistrates suspended the validation, while waiting for the EU court judgment in the so -called Sicilian countries waiting for February 25. Tomorrow, after the decision of the appeal of Rome, the 43 migrants, including Egyptian citizens and Bengalis, will start again to Italy and will be free. Reads in one of the provisions, signed by the judge, Maria Rosaria Ciuffi: “The trial must be suspended in more of the decision of the Court. Since the suspension, it is impossible to observe the term of forty -eight scheduled time for validation, must necessarily be The release of deduction, as well as the Constitutional Court repeatedly stated in similar cases (in which a matter of constitutional legitimacy was raised in the context of prison validation procedures) 25, 1998, n.
Among the reasons for the non -validation of detention in the GJADER RCP, also gender violence in migrant countries. In fact, judges write: “For some countries, some categories of people for which safety conditions do not exist and, on the card used for Bangladesh, in the context of this paragraph, the exceptions are considered necessary for members of LGBTQI+ community, The victims of gender -based violence, including female genital mutilations, ethnic and religious minorities, people accused of political crimes and for the convicted of death. “
After the judges’ decision, the oppositions return to the government attack reiterating the “failure” of the government. “Giorgia Meloni renounces, the centers of Albania do not work and do not work, they are a sensational failure. They increase public resources wasted due to the uncertain government that will not respect European laws and European judgments,” says the secretary and the secretary DEM, Elly Schlein, stressing that now “the risk of tax damage is configured.” For the 5 -star movement “with the failure to validate the detention of the 43 migrants transported to Albania who will now have to navigate the direction of Italy, the absurd game of the Goose Government of Meloni begins at the expense of Italian taxpayers.” “Italy is wasting millions in Albania for an irrational, illogical and illegal choice of Giorgia Meloni. I imagine that Italy’s sister knows she will have to pay for her own pocket for this absurd waste of public money,” Matteo Renzi thunders. The decision of the Court of Appeal, says Riccardo Magi (+me) “is the tombstone of Giorgia Meloni’s migratory policies.” In Albania is underway “a madness that should be closed immediately because it doesn’t work,” says Carlo Calenda. “An already written end – for Nicola Fratoianni, from AVS – but that the government of Meloni wanted at all costs that he does not consider favoring the usual propaganda.”
The perplexity of Tommaso Foti arrives from the center -that judges “nullify the initiative of the Government of Meloni that aim to ensure more effective management of migratory flows” and, in the definition of safe countries, “they want to replace government” ” . Finally, Maurizio Gasparri is from Forza Italia to argue that “the judiciary’s boycott’s work continues to security policies to combat illegal immigration.” “Of the judges one more country invasion, a decision that damages Italy and makes happy and illegal immigrants,” says League Vice -secretary Andrea Cryppa.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.