Cabinet reimburses 60,000 dissenters in savings tax

The company is setting aside 2.8 billion euros to compensate savers who resist excessive taxation on their assets. State Secretary for Taxation Van Rij writes in a letter to the House of Representatives that only about 60,000 people have already been convicted by the Supreme Court. They will automatically receive the compensation before August 4.

The Supreme Court ruled in December that the so-called savings tax was unlawful. Calculations have been made based on a higher savings return than the real interest rate, as a result of which savers overvalue their assets in box 3.

Following this decision, the company decided to pay compensation to a group of people who were now right.

Next decision on rest

It will be decided before the end of this year who will object ‘late’ or not at all. The office is waiting for a ruling from the Supreme Court whether these savers should also seek legal aid.

Van Rij thinks this is very “nice” because the previous decision only affects 60,000 opponents. The saver who does not agree with this starts a new job.

From next year, the company wants to work with a ‘savings variant’ that applies specifically to savings and not to other assets in box 3. or slightly more than 0% in recent years. This plan is under development and will be presented to the House of Representatives on Budget Day.

Source: NOS
