Poverty: They represent the UCA report and demand a “progressive agenda” that “transcends populism”.

Poverty: They represent the UCA report and demand a “progressive agenda” that “transcends populism”.

The director of the Social Debt Observatory, Augustin Salvia, warned of the need for structural reforms; As of December 2021, 43.8% were poor and 29.6% were impoverished

According to the UCA Social Debt Observatory measure, poverty reaches 43.8%.
According to the UCA Social Debt Observatory measure, poverty reaches 43.8%.

With the level 43.8% Poverty And 29.6% of the population suffers from “chronic poverty”, the social map shows that for some time there is a crisis, which is marked by “Structural Status and Persistent Inequality” According to the diagnosis Argentina Social Debt Observatory (ODSA), That sociologist Augustine Salvia Heads to the Catholic University of Argentina (UCA).

“It is necessary to implement A. Progressive Agenda for Structural Reforms ” Salvia told LA NACION after presenting the observatory’s latest report at the book fair showing consolidation. Signs of poverty and inequality, With which Argentina must come to terms with life in the short and medium term.

“Progressivism should not be afraid of structural reforms. It is necessary to carry out a progressive agenda that overcomes populism, be it from the right or the left, ”said the sociologist, describing the political reality that is leaving its mark on the social world.

This “progressive agenda”, in the vision of the head of the observatory, should include proposals to More small and medium enterprises will emerge, Which makes it possible Creating employment, More adequate distribution of income, investments in education and vulnerabilities in various vital areas for the population, such as access to the sewerage network, among other emergencies that cannot be expected.

Noted Salvia ᲔᲠᲘ That the crisis “is not transient, it does not depend on one or more points of inflation, and therefore a long-term state policy is needed. “These are not isolated measures, but policies.”

Caritas National Deputy Director Paula Porsse presented Salvia with a report on Poverty and Inequality, which includes research texts and statistics, at a table coordinated by Nicholas Meyer, Executive Director of the Church Social Institute.

Porsche described Caritas’ comprehensive work in the areas and revealed this Demand for food has not diminished since the onset of the pandemic. He is persistent, though the assistance was focused on children and the elderly. He stressed the need for this Strengthen the social and solidarity economy; Which allows families to have a real income. To this end, Cáritas promotes the commercialization of numerous entrepreneurial initiatives in markets and social networks.

Augustine Salvia, Paula Porsy and Nicolas Meyer at the UCA Report Presentation at the Book Fair
Augustine Salvia, Paula Porsy and Nicolas Meyer at the UCA Report Presentation at the Book Fair

Social data

Observatory statistics make it possible to track The evolution of the social map Argentina, with permanent blocks that have not improved significantly over the last decade, according to measurements by the UCA Observatory. The 43.8% Poverty Corresponds to the measurement of the second half of 2021 and 29.6% of “chronic poverty” Reflects a population that has always been below the poverty line for the past three years. There is only one in the second extreme 36.6% of people who “have never been poor”.

Urban poverty shows a stark reality: it is affecting today 64.9% under the age of 18; When in 2017 he was 44% of this age group, in 2010 he was 49.5%.

The declining living conditions of minors are growing and disturbing. “Poverty affects children and adolescents more intensively: At a general level, in the third quarter of 2021, poverty reached 9% of the population, in the group of children and adolescents aged 0 to 17 this figure rises to 14.9%, “- said in a recent report. The gap between the age groups was focused in the context of the Kovid-19-induced health crisis.

Poverty among marginalized workers increases to 72.9%. (In 2010 it was 49.6%). The poverty rate was 8.8% in 2021, although the UCA report warns that if income from child benefit (AUH) and other programs were not included, it would reach 16.8% and rise to 18.8% if There would be unpaid pensions. Neither is taken into account

“Both Persistent inequality such as structural poverty “They are the result of stagnation and an unbalanced economic and productive model, with the effects of exclusion, marginalization and inequality,” Salvia condemned in her diagnosis. He assessed that despite economic growth, domestic market protection policies and the expansion of social policies, “with each economic cycle. Barriers to structural production Which limits poverty alleviation and convergence processes. “

Finally, Salvia considered the expansion of the economy necessary, but considered that it was not enough to bring benefits to the less dynamic sectors if they did not exist. Active redistribution and productive development policies “Towards the local and regional popular economy, the informal sector and the internal market.”

Source: La Nacion
