Luis Baryonuevo’s subjective approach to Kirchnerism
The head of gastronomy closed the act of his guild with Vado de Pedro, with whom he exchanged praise.
The pandemic has achieved what seemed impossible. Luis BarionevoHistorical Head of the Tourism, Hotel and Gastronomy Workers’ Union of the Republic of Argentina (Utgra), sealed A thought-provoking truce with Kirchnerism. New Time and Harmony was staged last Friday in Mar del Plata, where the trade unionist closed his own act. To Edward PeterMinister of the Interior and man Christina Kirchner In the cabinet. There was even a praise crossover.
Barionevo appreciated De Pedro’s presence at the gastronomic congress and stressed his help in advancing the corovirus during the crisis. “Vado de Pedro was in the worst moments of the pandemic, “He always answered the phone and always helped us to solve problems in the crisis we are experiencing,” said Utra’s leader, who did not answer calls. ᲔᲠᲘ Details of his approach to government.
The official also enjoyed Barionuevo, whom Christina Kirchner tried to oust from the Senate when she took part in burning ballot boxes in Catamarca. “[Barrionuevo] Is he “The founder of ATP,” said defender De Pedro. He spoke about the National Program for Emergency Work at Work and Production, which emerged in the wake of the pandemic to help crisis-prone sectors due to health conditions. Gastronomy and tourism are the two sectors that have received the most state aid to pay staff salaries.
I attended the General Congress of UTHGRA Delegates in Mar del Plata. It was a pleasant meeting with hundreds of workers and a good opportunity to talk about the central issues of our country. Thank you for being me, guys!
– Vado de Pedro @ (@wadodecorrido) May 14, 2022
The relationship between Barionuevo and de Pedro has in common: Graciela Camano. The trade unionist’s ex-wife, whom he married in the 1970s and divorced last year, holds the chairmanship of the Judicial Council, where he is a colleague of the minister’s brother Geronimo Ustaroz.
Luis Baryonuevo: “Christina Kirchner must lose by failure”
– Nation (@LANACION) October 3, 2017
In June 2020, during a severe isolation due to the pandemic and with no exit sign, Barionevo was highly critical of the government. “I hope we do not go in 2001,” he said in an interview with LA NACION at the time. He acknowledged official assistance and acknowledged that about 8,000 businesses were no longer carrying blinds. According to sources in the gastronomic union, 25,000 jobs were lost due to the health crisis.
After the Baryonuevo Union began receiving state aid through the ATP or the Previse Plan, the trade unionist remained silent on the usual criticism of Kirchnerism.
Source: La Nacion
Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.