Alberto Fernandez accused the “cursed rightists” and said: “The day we were ousted, Macri was president.”

Alberto Fernandez accused the “cursed rightists” and said: “The day we were ousted, Macri was president.”

The President took part in the first congress of the “All Front” in the city of Resistance

President Alberto Fernandez at the Chaco Front everyone rally
President Alberto Fernandez at the Chaco Front everyone rally

President Alberto Fernandez Today in the afternoon he took part in the first congress of the Parliament In front of everyone Accompanied by the Governor of Chaco (FdT) Jorge Captain, After the institutionalization of this space in the province and in the face of tensions in the ruling bloc ruled: “Our enemy is the cursed right who wants to return.”

“We do not have differences in essential issues, they appear in the forms. The enemy is not in front of everyone“But the cursed right that wants to subjugate the Argentine people again,” Fernandez said as he attended the first congress of the Chaco Front (FdT).

“On the day we left, Macri was president. They should never follow us. “ Fernandez said. “There are no enemies between us, there will be differences, but we have learned to live with them.” – The President added.

President Alberto Fernandez at the Chaco Front everyone rally
President Alberto Fernandez at the Chaco Front everyone rally

And in this regard, he warned: “The real danger is the ruthless right “He had a president who treated us like no one else dared.” Throughout his speech, the president made harsh accusations against the previous government, accusing it of debt to the International Monetary Fund and a sharp drop in real wages by 20 points.

“How easily the workers’ jobs and salaries were destroyed in just four years. “That was what we inherited, and as soon as we started going through it, we discovered a pandemic,” Fernandez said. “In 2023, we will not leave the government in the hands of those who say that more universities are not needed because the children of the poor do not go to university,” the president continued.

Alberto Fernandez charged with “cursed right”

“They are attacking their rights, they no longer want to pay bonuses. The rest killed the native people, accusing them of being Mapuche terrorists. “We are not that,” the president said against the previous government.

For his part, Fernandez highlighted negotiations with the International Monetary Fund as an achievement of his management. “We were able to pay and there was no pension, no labor or state reform,” he said. “I do not want more debt to the IMF in Argentina,” the president said.

President Alberto Fernandez at the Chaco Front everyone rally
President Alberto Fernandez at the Chaco Front everyone rally

Fernandez’s statements come in the midst of a strong internal ruling party, with increasing internal pressure on the head of state to convene a table of leaders with Frente de Todos’s three main legs. Among the most prominent figures on the list are Christina Kirchner, Sergio Massa, the governors, a large part of the cabinet, the CGT and the mayors.

Party Congress

The meeting began at 9 a.m. at the Gala Convention Center in the city of Resistance, and then, at 10 a.m., began working in commissions, culminating in the reading of documents and culminating in the closing ceremony of Alberto Fernandez and the Governor. Chaco, Jorge Kapitanic participated.

In this way, Frente de Todos, under the leadership of Governor Chaco, held its first party congress, which aimed to “reach a space in which it would be possible to work in commissions to promote unity and to initiate political initiatives in the province.” “- Explained by government sources.

Jorge Captain

According to Telami

Source: La Nacion
