La Cornisa investigation: Government to spend more than 87 million pesos on private parking for officials

La Cornisa investigation: Government to spend more than 87 million pesos on private parking for officials

This will be paid by Inadi, the Ministry of Transport and Renaper, along with other organizations; In the case of the institute responsible for Donda, the car is fined more than $ 2 million

Inadi car parking, run by Victoria Donda, costs $ 594,000: about $ 24,000 per unit.
Inadi car parking, run by Victoria Donda, costs $ 594,000: about $ 24,000 per unit.

Government to spend more than 87 million pesos this year on private parking for officials and advisers Their ministries. These are government agencies that do not have garages in their respective buildings. This is clear from the investigation conducted by the program CorniceWho rules Louis Majulus And it is broadcast on the news channel LN +.

Revealed is one of the most amazing cases National Institute against Discrimination (INAD)Who rules Victoria DondaWho submitted a public tender won by Paula Diaz, the only bidder to submit a covered garage owner located at Bartolomé Miter 1444. As of April 1, seven vehicles were parked, including the agency trailer.

Specific clauses in the contract, agreed by La Cornisa, in the internal file EX-2021-125424159-APN, six car patents that will have a 12-month closed parking lot with the option of renewal for another term, are funded by the Argentine state. The seventh rolling plate that would have been the owner of the Inad is not reported.

Beneficiaries include the Citröen C-Elysee car patent AA924PR, which is owned by Inadi but used by agents Rodrigo Alfredo Porco and Konstantin Lepchenkov. Surprisingly, according to the city government website, the mobile has 136 tickets for speeding and poor parking, for a total of $ 2,037,069. In addition, he has six fines in the province of Buenos Aires for $ 111,060.

In response to a question from La Cornisa, Donda’s press team said it would not answer journalistic questions unless they were done through official channels offered by the Argentine state.

Inadi car parking costs $ 594,000, cost $ 24,000 per month unitExcept for large-sized cars, the approved amount of which is $ 25,500.

In addition to Inad, other organizations have also contracted with parking services such as National Institute of Associativism and Social Economy (Inae), with 24 seats in total $ 2,000,000; Ministry of Production DevelopmentAt cost $ 11,796,744 For the quarterly canon of flats and garages; And Matansa-Riachuelo Basin AuthorityChaired by Martin Sabatela, $ 10,733,280 Through a direct contract with the firm Stop SA.

They are added National Council for Social Policy CoordinationParking agreement for eight cars $ 888,030; The Ministry of TransportFor 25 garages plus two office floors $ 46,191,600, Was also awarded to one contender; And National Register of Persons (Renaper)Which pays for 50 garages $ 9,000,000.

Territorial agencies of Georgia Ministry of Labor of the NationᲛ Located In different parts of the country, As well as rented garages this year. Authorities in the capital, Tucuman, Rosario, Baia Blanca, Paranას, Salta, Rio Quarto, Catamarca, La Rioja, Formosa, Santa Fe and Concordia Total $ 3,971,639.52 In the concept of car parking.

The sum of all these dependencies totals $ 87,003,093 for this fiscal year.

At the end of this publication, the Ministry of Women and Gender Equality announced a tender for the lease of 10 garages for one year.

Source: La Nacion
