Together with Cristina de Bastonera, PJ governors try to control social plans

Together with Cristina de Bastonera, PJ governors try to control social plans

They are preparing a project to eliminate the mediation of Piketero organizations; They target the opposition Polo Obrero and the Evita movement, a key ally of Alberto Fernandez.

Persico, Navarro, Maximo and Cristina Kirchner (Illustration: Alfredo Sabat)
Persico, Navarro, Maximo and Cristina Kirchner (Illustration: Alfredo Sabat)

The project does not have a presentation date yet, but it is being prepared with approval and supervision Christina Kirchner. Formally they are PJ Governors Who took the initiative, however, at the political level the main stakeholders in the transfer of social plans to the provinces and municipalities, especially Suburban Buenos Aires are Vice President and Campora. And potential harm is Piketeros, official and opposition organizationsWhich are not under the control of Kirchnerism.

The methodology is the same as used with the project to expand to 25 members Supreme Court of Justice. The PJ governors drafted the proposal and handed it over to the national government – which gave its consent for the purpose of “unity”. In front of everyone– And then some pro-government senator puts his signature to start the case Congress. Thus the initiative was presented to the High Court in the upper house, and in the same way a They plan to eliminate the mediation of social organizations.

“The goal is decentralization and federalization,” said the Peronist governor, who is attending preparatory meetings for the initiative. However below the official letter, The draft also hides the political-electoral need of the ruling partyProhibit funding of social organizations through their business plans – as the leader of Polo Obrero acknowledged Edward Belibon– and that they use them as a platform to compete in elections. In 2021, Kirkerism lost votes in the hands of the left in Greater Buenos Aires.

Another target of Kirchnerism, especially by the Vice President, who is still convinced that he was behind the stone attack on his Senate office, is the movement Evita, which he leads. Emilius the Persian. The referent is indicated by location “From both sides of the counter”Since he is at the same time a social development official and head of an organization that has grown exponentially. Controls approximately 300,000 plans Empower Work, a quarter of the total program that allocates $ 19,000 a month to beneficiaries.

The suspicion that the official and opposition “organ” – the latter is mainly related to Trotskyism – is coordinated. Action to “tighten” the state to get more subsidies, Powered by government agencies. And he arrives at Christina’s office in the Senate, who is very interested in managing plans. So much so that he twice summoned the Minister of Social Development. John ZabaletaInterrogate him about specific aspects of the programs, such as Empowerment of work.

This is a plan that 1.2 million people across the country are taking and focusing on The three cordons of Conurbano, where Kirchnerism has its electoral base. Christina Kirchner and Juanchi Zabaleta are the last allies in the ruling party two years later. Hurlingham quarterback Was in the use of a license “The First Albertist”, However, Alberto Fernandez never completed the possibility of assembling his own line at FDT. And maintains a heavy silence on the proposal to hand over the plans.

Fernandez’s dismissal continues to draw attention as Persico and other officials from Evita’s ranks, Fernando “Chino” NavarroBecame the President’s territorial support in the midst of his confrontation with Kirchnerism, at a similar level to the CGT. Hector DaerSince they guarantee you are not insignificant Social peace. So much so that under the pressure of calling for a general strike, The Peronist Workers’ Union is going to reduce the protest By marching against the “price makers”.

The latest document from PJ governors in which they talk about "transforming social plans".
The latest document from PJ governors in which they talk about “transforming social plans”.

Even with internal defenders like John GrabuaPersico defeated enemies in the ruling party. In addition to Christina and Zabaleta, who reject the creation of the Ministry of Public Economy, the bearded man is the target. Maximo KirchnerWho sealed A. from Buenos Aires PJ Alliance with the mayors of Conurbano to resist the advancement of organizations in their districtsbetween them Foot areas And Combat Classism (CCC)Which came out yesterday demanding a “sudden rent” sanction.

However, Persico does not seem to shy away from: his partner, a provincial MP Patricia covered A public challenge was launched for the mayor of the Peronist stronghold SlaughterhouseFernando Espinoza, will face him in the 2023 municipal elections. While in Quillme, where Velider rules. Myra MendozaIt is suspected that the alleged leaks in the cooperatives were in the Evita movement. Persico’s such political recklessness will inevitably lead to a return to kindness.

The picketing is gone

If relations between the political wing of the government and official organizations become increasingly strained, Disagreement with opposition picketters turned into a declared conflict. On Thursday, a procession to the doorstep of the ministry carrying the gigantography of Eva Duarte, which collapsed on 9 de Julio Avenue, was repeated by government confirmation that Quotas for social plans will no longer be opened And without receiving protest referees, which will only take place on the starting Wednesday of the week.

On the contrary, the government was mistaken in allowing S. Worker pole about what Imposes reinforcement work on beneficiaries of 2% of the subsidy to cover the costs of the organization.May result in a comprehensive overview of 60,000 plans controlled by this related group Workers’ Party. “They can not naturalize what they get from the poor!”Cried the official. And he assured that “irregularities were observed” in the food bags supplied by this organization in its neighboring canteens.

Polo Obrero columns in the middle of 9 de Julio Avenue
Polo Obrero columns in the middle of 9 de Julio Avenue

So the confrontation between the government and the left-wing pickets will escalate. First of all, if the detection of violations causes a Transfer of plans to other “performing units” Not controlled by groups Picketero DivisionBut by the mayors of Conurbano, who are allies of Maximo Kirchner or the governors of PJ, whose “analytical center” was set up. Federal Investment Council (CFI)Where they are in trouble Axel Kitsilo Jorge Captain, Continues the suggestions that Christina has on the ring.

As confirmed ᲔᲠᲘ Official sources, complaints he meets online and anonymously in social development portfolio Beneficiaries of at least 7,000 plans who are forced to leave to continue fundraising. And in the territory of Buenos Aires, the Minister of Territory, Andres LarocLaunched a campaign with a clear message: “If you live in the province of Buenos Aires and are a recipient of social programs, remember that you are entitled to full benefits.”

LaRoche, better known as “Koran”Is the Secretary General Campora And for weeks allowed Christina to be publicly questioned by the president and economy minister, Martin Guzman, Which in turn is a protégé of the Evita Movement. If the move is against left-wing groups, then officials will be forced to take a stand. Yes To act corporate, they will confirm the assumptions that they are moving togetherDiscussed in Kirchnerist factories.

Conflict between the government and Picetero organizationsWho are protesting to increase the budget allocated to the streets Plans, in the face of inflation and growing poverty, may overlap If a project for the transfer of social plans is developed in the provinces and municipalities. In turn, the national administration is Customized Self-imposed corset by agreement Monetary Fund And it leaves no room for increasing social subsidies in terms of inflation.

Source: La Nacion
