In campaign mode, Mauricio Macri visited Margarita Barrientos with Juliana Avada

In campaign mode, Mauricio Macri visited Margarita Barrientos with Juliana Avada

After making a stamp in La Plata and touring Lanus, the former president visited the founder of the Los Piletones dining room. Villa in Soldier

Mauricio Macri and Julianna visited Margarita Barrientos
Mauricio Macri and Julianna visited Margarita Barrientos

In a new test to verify its acceptance level in this area, the former president said Mauricio Macri Visited Social Reference today Margarita Barrientos The Los Piletones dining room, located in Villa Soldati, one of the most secluded areas of the capital.

According to sources close to the former president, Barrientos invited Juliana Avada to a soup kitchen meeting. Macri, who did not travel to Cordoba to attend the Together for Change national table meeting “for reasons of the agenda”, decided to join the activity.

According to an “experiment” in Monte Chingolo, Lanus and La Plata, the founder of Pro, who continues to flirt with the idea of ​​positioning himself as a 2023 presidential candidate or “big voter”. , Intensifies its “spontaneous” tours to “show closeness”.

“As always, it is a great joy to come to Margarita with Juliana”Macri writes on his social network by sharing pictures and videos of his time Pilates. Barrientos has questioned the management of Cambias for the economic crisis. Moreover, he said that Macri had disappointed him.

Mauricio Macri and Julianna visited Margarita Barrientos
Mauricio Macri and Julianna visited Margarita Barrientos

However, a social reference a few weeks ago named his questions. “Macri has received a lot of criticism from me because I live with reality and what my needs are. Many did not like it. “I apologize to many people if they feel insulted,” he told LN + in May.

“People criticize, but they do not know how I live and what my job is. Rain or autumn stone I’m here. “Any person comes and understands through the gate, because this is my life, and if I criticize a politician, I do not do it out of disgust, but I teach what he should not do,” he said. . And noted that he does not like to “use” but rather “give hope and work”.

Later, in an interview with Profile, he said that If Macri “continued in government, he would have a good result, Because the conditions were met. “But we Argentines are in a hurry, we want change now and it does not exist,” Barrientos said.

Check out this post on Instagram

Post shared by Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri)

On Wednesday, Macri headed a stamp in the Tolosa district, accompanied by Mayor Maria Eugenia Vidal. Julius Garo And Deputy Christian RitondoOne of the candidates for the governorship of Pros. The gesture was interpreted as an open challenge to the head and presidential candidate of Buenos Aires, Horatio Rodriguez Laretta, and his candidate for governor, Diego Santil. Macri and Vidal also inspected the completed works of the El Gato stream.

Mauricio Macri and Maria Eugenia Vidal, during a call in La Plata
Mauricio Macri and Maria Eugenia Vidal, during a call in La Plata

Macri’s recent speeches in Lanus and La Plata are part of the former president’s new tactic to test his level of public acceptance. As stated ᲔᲠᲘMacri is trying to have a direct link! “Without intermediaries”, On the territory with the electorate, without apparatus, military forces or large delegations. This is a similar scheme he chose for the “Yes, we can” tour, which marked the last stage of his national government and played a crucial role in relation to PASO.

Surrounded by Macri, they were enthusiastic after Wednesday’s tour of Tolosa, the district where Christina Kirchner was born. There, the former president went through about seven buildings.

“He takes the pulse of the street” Say in laratism.

Source: La Nacion
