Amid controversy, the Ulises Bueno show was halted, for which the municipality paid $ 43 million.

Amid controversy, the Ulises Bueno show was halted, for which the municipality paid $ 43 million.

The Cordoba singer said she did not impose a tax, but the participation was conditional on the hiring of a particular producer for $ 43 million; Due to criticism, they canceled the show

Without shows due to the pandemic, the musicians of Ulises Buen lost their only source of income
Without shows due to the pandemic, the musicians of Ulises Buen lost their only source of income

CÓRDOBA.- Quartet singer Ulysses Bueno decided to leave the show, which he was going to hold tomorrow with productions paid for by the municipality of Cordoba. Mayor of Cordoba, Juan Manuel Lariora has agreed to pay $ 43 million As they explained, the presentation of the winter tourist season. Controversy ensued because it included a presentation Bueno, brother of the late Rodrigo Bueno, And the city hired a producer recommended by Quartetero.

Laura is Dolphin by Juan Skiaret On the candidacy of Governor of Cordovan Peronism in 2023. In a poll conducted by the CB Consultora Opinion Pública in May, it topped the national rankings with the best positive image among a total of 24 city leaders.

For several days, the municipality has been promoting the Ulysses show this Saturday in the city of Sarmentio Park; The quartet singer celebrated his birthday in this play. The letter he submitted yesterday Government Secretary Miguel Angel Sicilino and Tourism Director Pablo BianchiOr, offer them a “big show” in which Will not pay the tax.

. Instead Asks the municipality to “cooperate with the expenses Related to equipment, sound, stage, LED screens, CCTV, lighting, general logistics, security, etc. “and immediately explains that He “just works” With the producer Enjoy the night.

57th IDEA Colloquium;  Business community;  Economy;  Martin Laura;  For example Perez, Luciano Nicora;  Javier Ulysses Reynoso;  German Weiss;  Dolphin Irazusta;  Emiliano Fazio;  Martina Rua
57th IDEA Colloquium; Business community; Economy; Martin Laura; For example Perez, Luciano Nicora; Javier Ulysses Reynoso; German Weiss; Dolphin Irazusta; Emiliano Fazio; Martina Rua

The municipality hired this company without a tender and price competition. Bianco, in press releases, claims that $ 43 million covers “the entire operation of the event: security, police, taxes, preferential product agreed with hotels, stage arrangement, SADAIC, CAAPIF, ambulances, etc.” For the play, they hope to gather a few 50,000 people.

“All we are doing is launching the Cordoba capital, as all major cities are doing We bet that the city will be the capital of domestic tourism in the countryBianco said he hoped the show would have “national significance”.

He also said that tourism is an industry that “generates the most formal and informal employment” and that it means “state policy” for Cordoba.

Ulysses Buenos Aires letter dated 10th and 22nd of this month issued by the municipality Preventive impact on joints 015545/2022 within the file, which provides for the payment of $ 43 million to the company indicated by the artist as “Non-personal services”.

So far, Lariora has not spoken on the subject. From the municipality – in addition to Bianco’s statements – there are press releases on the participation of other artists (Desakta2, Janet Torres and Luz Paisio), accreditations and show assembly instructions.

Sakrebulo block Civil Front Requested information and requested to stop the show. “If they wanted to give him a present, they would buy a cake,” said Luis Hues, the city’s former mayor.

Source: La Nacion
