Distribution of social plans: Only 17% are controlled by mayors and governors

Distribution of social plans: Only 17% are controlled by mayors and governors

Christina Kirchner deepened her proposal for an Empower Work plan in the ruling party; 75% is in the hands of social movements, cooperatives and civic and religious associations

Christina Kirchner met with Peklo Zuro, Mayor of Pekhuajo
Christina Kirchner met with Peklo Zuro, Mayor of Pekhuajo

Just a 17% of Georgia Social plans Are controlled Mayors and governors. The rest is mostly in the hands “Non-governmental entities”: Glories Social movements But also neighborhood cooperatives, religious units, and civic associations. The numbers explain why Christina Kirchner He swayed the nerves that swirled throughout the ruling party when he said government aid “could not continue to outsource”. Your claim He blocked all communal and provincial Kachika And damaged Picetero groups offering political support Albert Fernandez.

Data provided by Ministry of Social Development A ᲔᲠᲘ, They show that the government does not have exhaustive control over what happens to social plans in the deep area. From 1,271,215 beneficiaries of the program To facilitate work, 218 604 (17%) framed in municipalities and provincesYes 954 651 (75%) are in the hands of non-governmental entities. But there is 97,960 (8%) about which information is not yet available.

Increasingly active, Christina was trying to find out about social assistance, Know that this issue makes mayors vigilant because These are funds that are rapidly infiltrating their territories. Mostly in the provinces Buenos Aires, Where 649 008 beneficiaries are gathered (51% in total) With a monthly expenditure of approximately $ 10.4 billion. The Vice President has twice summoned the Minister of Social Development. John Zabaleta Talk about it.

The Empowerment of work (Who joined the additional social wage program we are creating for the future) has 1.2 million beneficiaries And represents a budget of approximately $ 227.1 billion annually. Individuals receive an allowance of $ 19,470 and In return, they must complete a work, community, or educational assignment. Bliss Talk Must be accredited a “Management or Certification Division (UG)” – Municipality, cooperative, civic or religious association – which confirms the conformity of the collection.

“Peronism It does not depend on the precinct leader “Sign up and down,” Christina began, pointing elliptically at him. Avoid movement. This is the group that is proposing to the President today Crucial political support Navigation of internal crises on all fronts.

Drip migration

In fact, the Vice President It was on a reasonable agenda that Zabaleta was already walking. That is, on December 29 last year, the Ministry of Social Development opened a mechanism to enable potential beneficiaries to find work. Request the transfer of its “Management and Certification Unit” (UG). The change is Volunteer, Through the form, but the Minister did so with that in mind Strengthen municipalities and provinces in distribution. Some in six months 180,000 people (15% of beneficiaries) requested a transfer. By deciding not to expand the world of plans, migration is encouraged To the detriment of one another.

John Zabaleta
John Zabaleta

As far as he could tell ᲔᲠᲘ, Zabaleta Keep the mechanism open So that Empower Work plan beneficiaries can request a permit. It is expected so Drip migration, In favor of mayors and governors. “The decision of the Ministry is to take care of the people. That the beneficiary is free to choose where he wants to work “ Arguing with the Minister.

There is no open data on the distribution, but according to the sources of the organizations themselves, at present Avoid movement has 130.00 Plans; We are Barrios de Pie, (By Daniel Menendez) has100000; The Classicist and Combat Current (CCC), 60,000 And Expelled Workers Movement (MTE), By John Graboi 50,000. These groups of water stand in front of everyone. Within Left organizations Opponents of power Polo Obrero controls about 60,000 plans, About 86,000 from the Free South, The Teresa Vive Movement, 13000 plan And FOL, 45,000.

Social movements came out to cross Christina and demand the work they did in the neighborhoods, mostly during the pandemic. They argued that if they control their plans, it is because they have a presence In places where the state does not reach. “The idea that mayors are re-managing plans is a setback,” the Evita Movement leader said this week. Emilius the Persian, Who in turn works as an official of the Ministry of Social Development. At the same time, government sources acknowledged that subsidies had been provided during the pandemic, but that tasks in the form of compensation had been suspended.

Common cause

By her speech on Monday, Christina managed to do something common with the mayors of the suburbs. The governors also joined his speech. Dissatisfied with this, the vice president raised the issue again on Wednesday. He posted on Twitter that the mayor of Pekhuajo, Paul Zuro, Took him one A “proposal” to transform social plans into work.

What Zuro offered Christina Kirchner is that 300 beneficiaries of Empower Work Their city – which is under the control of picket groups and recycling cooperatives – Go to work in the municipality with attendance control and pay extra. As soon as he heard this, the vice president asked the mayor of Pehuajo to send the plan to Zabaleta via WhatsApp. The minister replied that he was already working on the issue.

The Ministry of Social Development, meanwhile, said that in the Empower Work permit requirements, Irregular situations were identified. They pointed to Polo Obrero – the most militant group against the government – as demanding input. 2% of the organization plan. The mayor, who was actively working to “employ” the beneficiaries of the social program, was surprised: “What will happen to Zabaleta when she has to make plans from the Evita Movement?”

Emilio Persico and Alberto Fernandez
Emilio Persico and Alberto Fernandez

Ultimately, the main question is What attitude will Fernandez have? Albert agrees Give people freedom of choice They were told ᲔᲠᲘ Very close to the head of state. However, in the Evita movement and other social organizations, They hope the government will not hurt them. Yesterday, after a very tense week, The president spoke to Persico And promised to “form a national economy.” No apparent initiative yet.

This is not quiet, the movements will try to get stronger internally. On July 26, Evita Movement, Barrios de Pie and CCC may start operating at the football stadium. The political party that unites them. An important reviewer from one of these groups warned: “If national management decides to flee social policy, The government will have little chance. In the precincts we are. Everything is too fragile in Frente de Todos to separate us.

Source: La Nacion
