In political polls, Luigi Di Maio’s share is worth 1.3%. The thud of Movement Five

The split of Luigi Di Maio, just over a week after the announcement, is worth 13% of the votes. It is the photograph taken from the last weekly monitoring performed by Swg. The effect on the 5 Star Movement is a drop to 10.2%, a record negative for the political creature led by Giuseppe Conto. Leading the ranking of parties continue to be the Brothers of Italy, with 22.8%, followed by half a point by the Democratic Party, with 22.3%. In third place is the Lega di Matteo Salvini, which collects 13.5% of the votes. As for the centre-right, it should be noted that the 8.2% of Forza Italia, 1.8% of Noi con Italia (the team led by Maurizio Lupi) and 1.5% of Italy in the centre. with Toti.

In the center-left camp, 2.5% of the Green Italy, 2.3% of the Italian Left and 1.5% of Article 1/Mdp stand out. The derby between Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi continues. Action / + Europe receives 4.4% of the votes, Italia Viva stops 3 decimal places below. Finally, it is worth mentioning the 2.3% collected by Italexit with Paragone. The data from the hypothetical merged center is interesting. If Renzi, Calenda, Di Maio and Toti decide to join, they will be able to start with a dowry equal to 11.3%. Although, from this point of view, several variables must be considered, starting with the possible creation of a new party by the mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala.

Source: Iltempo
