Puglia, students taken on a trip to meet Giuseppe Conte. Urgent question from Maria Elena Boschi

“In the history of the Republic, it has never been seen that a schoolchild was taken to an election rally and, apparently, without parental authorization.” Maria Elena Boschi presented an urgent request to the Minister of Education about the case in Puglia where a teacher, a candidate with 5 stars, allegedly took students to an electoral initiative with Giuseppe Conte without asking for parental permission. “It is disconcerting that the school is used for electoral purposes and young students are exploited. We ask that what happened be clarified and that inspectors be sent to identify the responsibilities”, underlines Boschi.

The alleged case dates back to a month ago, in the midst of the electoral campaign for administrative positions. Indeed, at the heart of the issue would be a primary school teacher who would accompany students to an electoral initiative with Conte during school hours. Here is the text signed, as well as by the parent company Boschi, also by the deputies Gabriele Toccafondi and Massimo Ungaro: elections former prime minister Giuseppe Conte went to Puglia in support of some candidacies of local mayors A stage of the electoral round also Canosa, in the province of BarlettaAndria-Trani, where Roberto Morra was a candidate for reconfirmation as mayor of the city”.

“The Morra candidate’s list would also include a professor from the Carella Institute, whose young students, according to press reports, would have been taken to the square where the former prime minister’s closing meeting was held; during the final of the meeting, by the way, the leader of the 5 Star Movement, Giuseppe Conte, would give a short speech on the themes of the economy, ecology and agriculture, at the end of which the children would be taken to the stage to launch balloons containing ‘small thoughts against war’, a pretext used by a of the teachers, a colleague of the candidate, to justify the presence of the students on stage; a very special last day of class, amid the perplexity of the mothers who obviously had not been informed of the unprecedented walk during school hours”.

IV parliamentarians then ask the Minister of Education whether or not to confirm the information in their possession and whether a ministerial inspection should be scheduled, after which possible initiatives against school employees are evaluated.

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Source: Iltempo
