“Today we need the help of the opposition,” said Kitsilof at the opening of the dialogue with the opposition mayors.
This afternoon he received the radical mayors and tomorrow with those of the PRO who are demanding overdue funds from him; Before he snapped at Macri and Vidal;
LA PLATA.- In the midst of a difficult economic crisis, Governor Axel Kitsilo Today he received the mayors of the UCR, and tomorrow he will receive the mayors of the PRO in two meetings at the Casa de Gobierno de la Plata.
The governor informed that he is summoning them with a request for cooperation during his administration: “Today we need help. Also from the oppositionHe announced this shortly before receiving radical mayors in the government house. Meanwhile, the mayors hoped to demand money and management autonomy.
The first meeting took place today, when Kitsilof received a delegation of 32 mayors, who claim the loss of resources due to the increase in inflation. Tomorrow, PRO mayors will present their claims to the head of state at another meeting called in this capital.
The President of the Forum of Radical Mayors participated in the meeting held at the government house in La Plata. Miguel Fernandez, (Trenque Lauquen) accompanied Maximiliano Sueskun (rauch) Joseph Lewis Solomon (dining room) and Alexander Frederick (suipacha)
“The way is still to have permanent dialogue mechanisms to solve the difficulties that the people of Buenos Aires are going through,” Kitsilof said after the meeting. “Our commitment is to be accessible to the 135 municipalities that accompany them and to maintain a constant channel of dialogue to meet various needs,” Kitsiloff said.
Meanwhile, the mayor of Trenque Lauquen, Miguel Fernandez, said: “It was a very good meeting in which we discussed deepening cooperation and simplifying processes. We are convinced that we need to work together, beyond our differences, to focus on effective responses to provide solutions for our neighbors,” he said.
Tomorrow Kitsilof will receive another delegation of opposition mayors. will attend Diego Valenzuela (February 3) Julius Garo (silver), William Montenegro (General Pueredon) and Paul Petreka (Junin).
The two separate meetings reflect the opposition’s difficulties in coordinating its unity policy as they discuss their candidacy for next year’s governorship race.
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The main direction of the demands of the opposition mayors is the renewal of the Municipal Infrastructure Fund (FIM). which at the beginning of the year was set at 17 billion pesos for 135 municipalities. 13% of this mass corresponds to municipalities managed by radical mayors, or about 2000 million dollars.
“There is a serious problem: many work contracts have not yet been signed. Others were signed but did not receive a financial advance.– said Fernandez Er. “If you didn’t sign the contracts, you couldn’t start. There are projects that go through unnecessary adjustments. The more time passes, the less money there is. We cannot sign works that will not have enough budget due to inflation in the end,” Fernandez said before entering the meeting.
“We have to discuss the FIM’s delays,” agreed Jose Castro, the mayor of Montes. “There is a delay in payments. Some municipalities are still not receiving advances And the inflation is very worrying because the planned works will not be implemented,” said Castro, the mayor of Montes.
Mayors are also concerned about delays in out-of-province shipments to cover Institute of Medical Assistance (IOMA) benefits. “The province owes a lot to the municipalities. We received benefits during the pandemic and it was not credited or completely discounted. We discussed with the Minister of Health Nicholas Kreplak– said Fernandez.
Opposition mayors are also set to negotiate the cost of benefits. “We want to discuss nomenclature and an adequate and predictable administrative circle.” A public hospital charges much lower than private clinics,” Fernandez said.
Tomorrow PRO mayors will take more claims to Kitsilof. The meeting will be held after the governor criticized the governments Mauricio Macri and Maria Eugenia Vidal.
“We come from the era of electoral fraud. Those who perpetrated the previous scam are now claiming they know how to fix it. How easy it is to be a reality commentator. How difficult it will be to defraud them with the same lies as before,” the president said in recent hours. It was when running a line of credit to access housing. This is Crea Plan in Florencio Varela, this morning.
Source: La Nacion
Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.