Government crisis, Draghi in the Chamber and then in the Quirinale: today his resignation

Mario Draghi regains confidence in the Senate, but he no longer has a majority. His rule ends here. The former president of the ECB’s longest day on loan to politics ends with the prime minister leaving Palazzo Chigi at 8:20 pm, but not ascending to the Quirinale by President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella. The expected dismissal is not yet there and will arrive this morning, when Draghi will go up to Colle after announcing the step back to the Chamber where he is expected at 9:00. Then, the timetable for the next steps in the government crisis will also be outlined.

At Palazzo Madama, the resolution presented by Pierferdinando Casini in support of the Prime Minister (very scarce text: “Hearing the communications, the Senate approves) and shared by the center-left, in which Draghi places his trust, is approved, but with numbers extremely low: only 95 Yes. Lega and Forza Italia do not participate in the vote and leave the Chamber.

The quorum is only reached because the M5S – which also does not vote – decides to remain in the Chamber. Trust passed, majority shattered and government at the end of the line. This is the epilogue of a day that started very early, at 9:30 am, with the expected communications from Draghi, necessary after the resignation of the prime minister after the 5 Stars did not vote on DL Aid last Thursday and rejected by Mattarella, who had postponed Dragons to the Houses. Anyone expecting a conciliatory speech is immediately disappointed. The prime minister needed just 33 minutes to explain “the reasons for a choice as painful as it was due”.

The interruptions caused by the applause are 18, not shared by the whole majority: some passages are shared by some parts, but not by others and vice versa. The only standing ovation is for the effort to keep the mafias away from the PNRR, because “it’s not the best way to honor the memory of Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borselli”. Draghi claimed the results achieved by the government thanks also to the parties, a “civilian miracle” that makes him “proud”, he tells the majority political forces – “the credit is yours for committing yourself with equal dignity”. But then the pact of trust was broken – recalls Draghi – and “the desire to move forward together gradually disappeared”.

For M5S Draghi blames “attempts to weaken the government in foreign policy” and the lack of a vote of confidence, “a serious fact that cannot be contained because anyone can repeat it. It cannot be minimized because it comes after months of ultimatum.” Aut aut which also concern the League. Draghi did not like the government’s centre-right attitude towards land registration and disapproval. Same with the bathhouses. Not to mention the support for the taxi drivers’ protests and the continuous requests for debts and new budget variations. The prime minister does not close the doors to parties, but puts some conditions. “The only way is to rebuild this pact of trust together with generosity and responsibility”, because – he explains – “the Italians ask for it”.

It’s only for them that Draghi says he’s willing to go on. «The mobilization of these days – he says – is unprecedented, it is impossible to ignore. It is an undeserved support but for which I am grateful”. In particular, the prime minister says he is “proud” namely of the support of “two thousand mayors” and “health personnel, the heroes of the pandemic”.

Draghi holds up the agenda, but his words sound like take it or leave it. The Pnrr to be closed, of course, but also the Competition Law (indigestible in Lega and FI) to be approved in the summer vacation, the reduction of taxes on work, the tax reform with a new collection system. As for the issues dear to M5S – explains Draghi – the minimum wage has been approved in Europe and the government is going in that direction, while the citizen’s income “must be improved to favor those in need and reduce the distorting effects on work”, because – he will say in the afternoon’s reruns – “it’s a good thing, but if it doesn’t work it’s a bad thing”. The same goes for the superbonus: “The problem is the transfer mechanisms. They are the culprits and thousands of companies are waiting. Now we have to fix and take out thousands of companies with problems.”

There is also a reference to the energy policy that must be “redesigned”, including through regasifiers, including the much contested one in Piombino that “must be implemented by spring: it is a national security situation. Enough of the protests against these infrastructures». As for foreign policy, “arming Ukraine is the only way to allow the Ukrainians to defend themselves” and to threats to Italy, “a free and democratic country” must respond “with Western values”. For that – he warned – «we need strong support for the executive, not protests and violent tones from the majority. We do not need a facade majority that disappears with any contrary disposition, we need a Parliament that follows the government with conviction. Are you ready to renew this pact? I’m here because the Italians asked me to. You must give this answer to the Italians ».

Words the M5S doesn’t like, but neither do Lega and FI. Salvini sees prime ministers and senators, then, together with the other leaders of the center of government, goes to Silvio Berlusconi in Villa Grande. Il Carroccio defines himself as “astonished” by Draghi by the words about the tax authorities, so the center-right of the government reaffirms its line, saying that it is “at the disposal of a new government pact to solve the problems of Italians with a new executive still led by Draghi but without M5S”.

The secretary of the Northern League listens to Mattarella on the phone, while maintaining repeated contact with the president of the Brothers of Italy Giorgia Meloni, whom Berlusconi also calls. So the center-right decides to present its own resolution to the Senate to ask for the Draghi bis without the M5S of Giuseppe Conte, responsible for the crisis. But the situation has “ended” and the picture is now compromised. The centre-right vetoes of M5S (Draghi and the Democratic Party have been repeating for days that there can be no government if national unity fails and therefore the presence of 5 Star is necessary) on the one hand and the accusations leveled by Draghi against grillini and Lega of others, they make it impossible for the dialogue to continue.

At the end of the brief answers, the prime minister decides to trust Casini’s resolution, a choice accepted “with great astonishment” by the center of the government, which reiterates how Berlusconi himself communicated in the morning “personally to Mattarella his willingness to support the birth” of Draghi bis with a “new pact”, but without M5S. Availability “confirmed and formalized in the draft resolution” by Calderoli and signed by all group leaders in the center-right government. impasse. M5S, Lega and FI do not vote in the confidence that passes the same with very low numbers thanks to the votes of the Democratic Party, centrists and grillini and foristas in free exit. Most are gone. Nor the government.

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Source: Iltempo
