With Putin or with Europe, the very objective of the PD in social networks. And Enrico Letta disappears from the leaderboards

The latest campaign by Enrico Letta’s Democratic Party plays with the hashtag #choice and shows a poster divided in half: on the left, the color black and the words “With Putin” dominates. On the right “Europe” with the secretary’s face and the dem symbol. Well, that resulted in “With Putin” being one of the most talked about trends on Twitter. Difficult relationship in these weeks of election campaign between the Democratic Party and social networks. Among other things, this is evident from an analysis by Sensemakers and Geca carried out exclusively for Prima Comunicazione per le Politiche 2022 on 25 September. The studio follows and crosses the exposure of political and institutional figures on television and social networks.

As the analysis explains, from the comparison between television rankings (based on television discourse) and social rankings (based on the number of interactions) it appears that from August 3rd to 20th the first three positions are different: in the television ranking, Carlo Calenda stands out. , Silvio Berlusconi and Enrico Letta (the latter not present in the Social Top10), in the latter Matteo Salvini, Giorgia Meloni and Giuseppe Conte, with the emergence of figures traditionally very active on social networks (Gianluigi Paragone, Alessandro Di Battista).

“Another relevant difference – the analysis reads – is represented by the strong polarization of social interactions with the top three firmly occupied by Salvini, Meloni and Conte (who in the reference period collected 47% of the total interactions) and all the others. But, the analysis continues, “probably the most interesting data of this first survey is also constituted by the lack of political exponents of the Democratic Party and its coalition in the Top 10 of the social networks”. Liga Norte Silvia Sardone and Paragone are much better on Letta’s social media.

To stand out on Facebook, according to the analysis of Sensemakers and Geca, it would be Conte, while Calenda on Twitter and Salvini on Instagram. Meloni, on the other hand, would remain “always in the second position”. However, the polarization of “more radical politicians like Paragone and Di Battista” on Facebook is strong. Finally, it should be noted that TikTok, an emerging social network, appears to be “heavily manned” only by Salvini and Conte.

Source: IL Tempo
