Hunt for Matteo Salvini. In the middle of the electoral campaign, party leaders landed on Tik Tok, the social network most loved by the very young and 18-year-olds who will vote for the first time in the September 25 general elections. Tik Tok has become a real game reserve for the secretary of the League, which has impressive numbers: average of 100 thousand views during the midnight live streams that are now customary, around 3 thousand followers gained with every single live, more than 10 thousand users connected simultaneously, 450 thousand likes, more than 300 dollars collected “as a gift” and going to charity. Salvini on Tik Tok has 540,000 followers: absolute first place among politicians. Some videos, such as the one in which Salvini responds to Elsa Fornero or the ones in which he denounces insecurity in cities, reach millions of views, according to Liga sources. To contain this overwhelming social power, many leaders have decided to focus on Tik Tok. Among them Silvio Berlusconi, who opened his profile yesterday, Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi.
Enrico Letta is not there yet, but the Democratic Party has landed on Tik Tok since yesterday. “Hi guys, here I am. Welcome to my official Tik Tok channel», begins Silvio Berlusconi, who does not give up his suit and tie with the Forza Italia crest on his lapel, sitting at the classic white lacquered table, bordered by photos in silver frames. As in the days of the descent into the countryside. «On this platform you are present in more than five million and sixty percent of you – explains the Cav – are under thirty years old. I suffer from a bit of envy, but I still get a lot of compliments”, comments Berlusconi, who anticipates wanting to talk about the subjects “that concern you closely”. “We will discuss your future and I will tell you how we want to make Italy a country that can give you new opportunities and the possibility of realizing your dreams”, he anticipates. Even the Democratic Party has been on Tik Tok since yesterday. “As of today, the Democratic Party is on TikTok. We will discuss with the younger ones the priorities that politics often ignores. Thank you Alessandro Zan for the explanation about rights and benevolence and for remembering that 18 year olds vote for the first time in the Senate. Choose», writes Enrico Letta on Twitter. The premiere is in charge of Alessandro Zan, deputy and first signatory of the law against hate crimes, passed in the House but sunk in the Senate, who talks about rights framed by a camera as he walks down a street in Rome’s historic center. As for Letta, the secretary still doesn’t have his own official Tik Tok channel, unlike Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi, who opt for irony to approach young people. “I can’t dance, I look like a drunk bear and I can’t give makeup advice because I have a belly and I’m ugly. But I can talk about politics,” says Calenda.
First day yesterday on Tik Tok also for the other leader of the Third Pole, Matteo Renzi, who appears in a white shirt and dark tie for his debut video. «For many of you – he says – I am an expert in first reaction, shock or shish. Others remember me as former prime minister, the youngest in republican history, or as mayor of Florence ». They were umpires and scouts. But I am above all a politician, one who believes in politics», recalls Renzi as images of both lives pass: first as prime minister, then on the football field. All chasing the success of Salvini, who has been on Tik Tok since 2019. «Welcome – says the leader of the Northern League – I’ve been here for years. For me, social networks are a form of leisure and sharing of leisure moments, but for years they have also been a precious moment of comparison and collection of suggestions». “For me, social networks are not just the panzerotto or the Milan flag – adds the secretary of the Northern League – If Renzi arrives well, if Berlusconi arrives well, whoever arrives well. Fortunately it is a democratic, open and virtual square. I’m sure the network people, if you arrive 20 days before the vote, an eye will put it there. If you’ve been there for two or three years, you’ve sown something more ». «I discovered that on Tik Tok if they give you roses or hats they give you “You can make a financial contribution that you can turn into charity,” explained Salvini. “Yesterday I received 12,000 floral gifts. Not at all. I hope Renzi collects the same.”
Source: IL Tempo
John Cameron is a journalist at The Nation View specializing in world news and current events, particularly in international politics and diplomacy. With expertise in international relations, he covers a range of topics including conflicts, politics and economic trends.