Through the number limited to the Faculties of Medicine of Italian universities. The proposal comes from Matteo Salvini, who starts from a simple consideration: our country needs doctors, it is often forced to look for them even abroad, but vacancies for university students are few. For this reason, the limited number should be abolished. “We have to reverse course”, exhorts the secretary of the League, who recalls that the vacancies available for Medicine in Italian universities are “15 thousand, against 65,378 young people who signed up for the tests. Italy – says the leader of Carroccio – needs doctors and health professionals, but access to universities is limited and our country is looking for doctors abroad. A paradoxical situation, especially in the Covid era and considering that many of the brightest profiles choose to leave Italy to earn more beyond the border: That’s why the League proposed canceling the limit of access to the university, following the path of France, in order to allow everyone to test themselves». available reached 14,790, plus 1,146 non-community students for a total of 15,936. An increase also made possible by regional funds and the NRP. Obviously, the novelty will have to be carefully calibrated to adapt r structures and study courses, but the important thing – says Salvini, who also talks about the subject in his direct social networks – is to reverse the course”.
And speaking to journalists outside the University of Milan, Salvini says he is certain of the electoral result: “Polls say we are about to win and that the center-right will have two-thirds of the seats. How much M5S and Pd take interests me less than zero. I want to rule this country.” «For me – explains the secretary of the Northern League – it doesn’t matter to earn a lot and have a million unemployed in the square on November 2nd. It is not possible, it is unthinkable. I am interested in winning and ruling a living country, not a country on its knees.” As for the formation of a future center-right government, Salvini is clear: “The era of technicians is over. We ask Italians to trust good politics with a capital “P”. We assume our responsibilities. The League has always kept its commitments. It is time for good policy to respond.” «Having two or three names to represent the Italians before the vote – he adds – would be useful for the choice of citizens, especially in some important ministries, I am thinking of Foreign Affairs, Economy, Justice. But first you have to win the elections ».
Therefore, Salvini invites everyone “not to look at the newspapers, which say that the center-right has already won and that the Pd and the M5 have already lost. Don’t worry, the game ends on September 25 at 11pm». The secretary of Carroccio invites to reach, in these days, all those who think of abstaining. “Go talk to those who think that voting or not voting is the same thing – he underlines – It is false, because it is politics that decides whether to retire earlier or later, whether to pay more or less taxes, if help is given to those who have a house that is desperately trying to regularize.
Source: IL Tempo
John Cameron is a journalist at The Nation View specializing in world news and current events, particularly in international politics and diplomacy. With expertise in international relations, he covers a range of topics including conflicts, politics and economic trends.