Pd, Nicola Zingaretti challenges Enrico Letta: a fratricidal war for power

Dance alone, Nicola Zingaretti. Personalized posters and slogans, lonely rallies, winking at the dem dissidents and the 5-stars, at a sidereal distance from Enrico Letta. His is now another party, an internal current that doesn’t even share the chromatic nuances with Nazareno, those maxi-billboards on a red and black background with the emphatic invitation to choose that is so much talked about. An election campaign, that of Secretary Pisan, launched with great fanfare, written with a marker that, absurdly, runs the risk of being neutral and going unnoticed. The sepia black opponents, the faded red friends. Zinga didn’t like it and in his way he distanced himself. He doesn’t want to take any risks, he’s looking for an important personal affirmation to regain a role in the party. Hence the choice to form his own commission to raise funds to support his candidacy, leader in the uninominal constituency of Rome 1. He doesn’t want to win, he wants to win big, get Montecitorio on the white horse, regardless of how things go for the Democratic Party. With a look at post-reading.

So, get rid of that red on the posters, something of trinariciuti communists, which you don’t like anymore. And long live the blue, the orange, the green cleaning up a supermarket slogan “People First”. Conad does a lot, but it might work. Billboards everywhere, starting from the buses, with preference for the lines that circulate in the electoral perimeter. Zinga explains: “Today the first need is to take care of creating well-being and hope, without leaving anyone behind. These are the values ​​that have guided us in the fight against the pandemic and which must now be placed at the basis of a new project for Italy. It is time to place the person and his dignity at the center of development and, therefore, of policy action. In view of the social and economic consequences of the pandemic and after the war, it is necessary – insisted the president of the Lazio Region, presenting his “symbol” – to give a clear mission to the investments we have won, starting with those of the PNR. Voting for the Democratic Party and our coalition means fighting the inequalities that weaken Italy, supporting the vitality of companies to create good jobs and provide security for people’s lives. If we don’t win this battle, only those who have a lot of money will be treated, only those who have a family that can pay will be treated, and the exploitation of those who work or look for work will increase. We want to win for a future of opportunity and not fear».

If we are not a dem against the dem, we are losing little. After all, it is no mystery that Zinga would never have broken with the grillini with which he rules the Lazio region. That if he depended on him, he would have already resigned as governor so as not to scratch the profile of his candidacy. He gave in to Letta’s request to leave only after October 13, when there will be the official proclamation of the elected and his position at Pisana will become incompatible. In this way, the Democratic Party will have more time to stand up in the event of an electoral defeat and will be able to regain strength to compete in the next regionals. And here’s the other sore point. The Ruberti case is far from resolved. On the contrary. The former chief of staff caught in full hysteria in Frosinone left a void. He was not only the closest collaborator of Mayor Gualtieri, but also the supercounselor, Mr. Capitol Wolf. His successor, Alberto Stancanelli, 59, adviser to the Court of Auditors, the other day in a small meeting, made it clear. “I will not have a political role, but only a technical one, I will not deal with all the dossiers opened by my predecessor.” In short, the void remains. And in that void the currents wallow to occupy the positions vacated by the furious Ruberti.

Source: IL Tempo
