Italy outside the euro and Europe, but also NATO to become a kind of Mediterranean Switzerland. At Tg La7 on Thursday, September 15, the leader of Italexit was interviewed by director Enrico Mentana about the electoral programs and political vision of the party which, according to the latest data before the polls silence, has concrete opportunities to enter Parliament. “A wrong list of everything” summarizes Mentana, “we found every imaginable ‘No’ seen in the latest news”. Paragone clarifies that Italexit’s “political narrative” continues the discourse of past policies where the 5 Star Movement had 33 percent, bringing the same comparison to Parliament. “” Are you the heirs of 5Stelle? “Ask the presenter, with the president of Italexit explaining:” In the country there is still a form of this type. If 40 percent are not going to vote, it means the country is harboring unease and anger.”
On the “no”, Paragone argues that a country that “still gives money to the Benettons after the collapse of the Morandi bridge” deserves to receive a “no” “the size of a house”, as well as a yes to the budget variation to deal with the emergency economy of families and businesses struggling with expensive energy.
Mentana then asks what Italexit means: where do you want to hang out? From Europe? “From the European Union and the Euro Zone, from the implementation of treaties and the exit from the single currency. It is not blasphemy. There are countries like Denmark that have their own currency” but are in the unionist system. During the interview, the leader of Italexit talks about the risks inherent to the PNRR, reiterating his opposition to mandatory vaccination, the green pass and the lockdown, and not sending weapons to Kiev. On the war in Ukraine, “the solution is not Italy,” said Paragone, who said he was in favor of “leaving NATO.” A third position for Italy, “as a Mediterranean Switzerland”. After all this no a yes? “Budget variation for expensive accounts, and yes to a policy of aggression against speculators”. Finally, the leader of Italexit confirms: no alliance after the vote.
Source: IL Tempo
I’m George Gonzalez, a professional journalist and author at The Nation View. With more than 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in covering sports news for various print media outlets. My passion for writing has enabled me to craft stories that capture the attention of readers all over the world.