World Cup in Qatar 2022
World Cup in Qatar 2022
Imagine the scene: honey, I’m going out to buy cigarettes… see you later. And then that little bit becomes an indefinite time, the antechamber of rupture. Among the 40-year-old former player, Hadrianand the wife Micaela Mesquita (15 years younger) It went something like this: he smiles mischievously and tells his wife that he’s going to a friend’s house to watch the Brazil-Switzerland game; she who believes him, gives him a tender kiss and says “go ahead… darling”, not knowing what would happen.
For two days, the former Brazilian striker disappears into thin air. He returned to Vila Cruzeiro, the Penha favela where he grew up in the north zone of Rio de Janeiro. What he did in those 48 hours of total darkness is a mystery: a photo shows him smiling next to a group of people wearing the Selection shirt, the rest is a black hole. And when he returns home, he starts a fight with his wife.
He apologizes, explains, reassures, reassures… that’s not enough. Micaela is furious, she doesn’t want to hear reason. It ends very badly: the marriage collapses in just 24 days. The honeymoon quickly turns into bile and the private party they were supposed to organize to celebrate the “fateful yes” (a moment also shared on social media) goes down the drain.
There is no reconciliation that holds. There is no possibility that after the storm the serene will come. Adriano is dismissed and, as proof of this, the ex-wife deletes photos, messages, stories, everything that reminds him of the brief relationship with Adriano from social networks. Will they get over it and get back together, or will the 25-year-old hairdresser who has bewitched his heart be just another story lasting the space of a promise? It might be…
The ex-soccer player’s love life, at least so far, has been quite hectic, restless. Last February, his relationship with a young medical student caused a sensation: the blonde Céu Oliveira was half his age. A flirtation and so on, further lowering the average age of his conquests: the former emperor of international football accompanied 18-year-old Bia Miranda. Brunette, dark eyes, perfect physique, the exact opposite of the blonde with the breathtaking body she’d been with just a few months before.
Then Micaela arrived, he seemed like the right person. And when she asked him “why don’t you take me to the football game” the castle of good intentions and illusions came crashing down.
Source: Fan Page IT
I’m George Gonzalez, a professional journalist and author at The Nation View. With more than 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in covering sports news for various print media outlets. My passion for writing has enabled me to craft stories that capture the attention of readers all over the world.