Davy Klaassen wanted to finish the cup match between Feyenoord and Ajax (1-2) after suffering a head injury from an object thrown from the spectators. The Ajax midfielder reacted to ESPN immediately after the turbulent match at De Kuip.
“It is going well now. When the game restarted, I felt a throbbing in my head and had a hard time concentrating. Then you may want to continue, but it doesn’t help anyone.” Replaced shortly after reboot.
The creator of the 2-1 win that took Ajax to the cup final has seen a lot in De Kuip, but for him it has never been as crazy as this cup semi-final.
“These are always crazy matches here, but we didn’t expect this,” Klaassen said. “Maybe those cries weren’t such a bad idea after all.”
After the incident, the game was finally suspended for over half an hour. In the Catacombs, Klaassen stated that he wanted to finish the game.
“You don’t want to run away either. Then they get you and you don’t want to let that happen. I wasn’t feeling insecure either, but I think it would have been over if something had happened.”
Rooter is disappointed
Feyenoord captain Orkun Kökçü was involved in the turmoil at the corner of the field from where the object was thrown at Klaassen’s head.
“I didn’t know at first, but when I saw blood in Klaassen, I realized that’s why we had to enter,” Kökçü said. “You wouldn’t wish that on anyone and it’s not part of such a great game.”
After the match, watch the reactions of Feyenoord captain Orkun Kökçü, professional football coach Jan Bluyssen and Rotterdam Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb.
Kökçü reacted harshly to Tadic’s provocation pointing to his mouth and grass. A derogatory reference to the month of Ramadan, which Kökçü is currently making, was considered.
Kökçü himself did not have this idea. When asked if Tadic had insulted him, he replied, “No.” “It was the kind of uprising that happens often, and we shouldn’t make it any bigger than it is.”
Slot is fed up with the event
Feyenoord Technical Director Arne Slot said he was ashamed of what happened at De Kuip. “Of course you don’t want to see that on a football field. Especially at the club where you are the coach.”
“It was a very disappointing moment. And I can actually say a lot worse words for it because ‘disappointment’ doesn’t cover the load. Of course it’s terrible.”
Check out Coaches Arne Slot and John Heitinga’s reactions after the match below:
Source: NOS

I’m George Gonzalez, a professional journalist and author at The Nation View. With more than 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in covering sports news for various print media outlets. My passion for writing has enabled me to craft stories that capture the attention of readers all over the world.