It’s time for evaluations in the Junior of Barranquilla. After the disorganized campaign of the first semester, it is necessary not to be mistaken in the conclusions.
The first meeting to analyze and compose the team for the upcoming competition took place the previous Friday, and today ‘Bolillo’ Gómez will give Mr. and Mrs. Char the names of the players that he will not have from now on and the ones you want to link.
A sensitive issue must be that of Juan Fernando Quintero. Injured from the seventh date, the misdiagnosis of doctor Luis Javier Fernández and the carelessness of sending him on the national team tour of Korea and Japan affected not only the team’s performance, but also the very high investment in him .
César Haydar ends his contract on June 30 and will not be renewed. Enrique Serje and Germán Gutiérrez will also be defeated and we will know the decision of ‘Bolillo’ on them.
DT considered in the first meeting that he needed two centre-backs, two wingers and two forwards.
The middle of the year isn’t good for finding top tier players, and when you do find them, the cost isn’t a big deal.
It happens with William Tesillo in León in Mexico and with Victor Cantillo in Corinthians in Brazil.
In both cases, of the players who will leave and those who will come, we should try not to “mess up” again and I would even suggest that Fernández is not the one who makes the evaluation of those who will arrive, to avoid misconceptions like that of Rafa Pérez, who was diagnosed with “possible injury in the future” and has already played 21 consecutive 90-minute games in Argentina…
Source: El heraldo

I’m George Gonzalez, a professional journalist and author at The Nation View. With more than 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in covering sports news for various print media outlets. My passion for writing has enabled me to craft stories that capture the attention of readers all over the world.