Indeporte is trying to uncover runners who cheated at the CDMX marathon

After complaints surfaced on social media showing that some of the people involved in the Mexico City Marathon this year 2023 they would not have run the full 42 kilometers of the competitionsince they started the race after the starting mark, the Institute of Sports (Indeporte) said they are working to identify people who had an unsportsmanlike attitude during the event.

“The Mexico City Sports Institute announces that it will proceed to identify cases where participants in the Mexico City Telcel 2023 XL Marathon have demonstrated an unsportsmanlike attitude during the event and will cancel their registration times,” the Mexico City Sports Institute said. The city government in a statement.

He assured that the marathon is not only a bright holiday for all residents of the capital, but also an occasion for reaffirm the transcendent values ​​of sport.

“Sports Institute of Mexico City (non-deported), as a promoter of fairness in competition, passionately upholds these values, which reinforce the essence of sporting competition and its impact on our society,” he added.

Photo: Twitter Mexico City Marathon Telcel

In addition, he thanked the participants, spectators and staff who took part in the event, which celebrates disciplined physical activity and the values ​​that form an exemplary sporting community.

They feature CDMX marathon runners.

The Triathlon Mexico page tracked some of the competitors through Appendix “CDMX Telcel Marathon”, lon which he recorded the progress of runners with a chip that has been placed in the number assigned to each athlete.

After the Triatón review, México published photos of runners who did not indicate the time in the app for the first kilometers of the route. In some cases, the chip began to record your participation in the marathon at 20th kilometer of the route, i.e. in the middle of the diagram.

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In other cases, some people started recording the time at the 40th kilometer, so only two kilometers would have been enough for them to finish the competition.

Photo: Capture Facebook Triathlon Mexico

After the exhibition, some athletes claimed that the chip that was installed on them did not work and therefore their time was not recorded correctly.

On the other hand, photos are also being circulated on social networks in which some participants stray from the intended route in order to get closer to the goal with the help of some kind of transport.

Source: Aristegui Noticias
