Infantino regrets that scandal overshadows the success of the women’s national team of Spain | mail

Gianni Infantinothe president FIFA, regretting what happened after the past 2023 Australia and New Zealand FIFA World Cup Finalthat Spain could not celebrate what “this should never have happened”points to Louis Rubiales.

in your account instagramthe Italian-Swiss manager wrote:

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Posted by Gianni Infantino – FIFA President (@gianni_infantino)

infantino was delivered in a personal capacity after FIFA Suspends Rubiales the president Real Spanish Football Federation, last Saturday, after a kiss without consent Jenny Beauty and his subsequent performances.

This should never have happened, but it did, and the FIFA authorities immediately took responsibility by taking the necessary measures.

Disciplinary procedures will follow their lawful course. For our part, we need to continue to pay attention how to continue to support women and women’s football in the future. On the field and beyond. Uphold the true values ​​and respect for the players as human beings and their fantastic performances,” he added.

This may interest you | ‘What Rubiales did was inappropriate, we all know that’: Čeferin

After the sanction of FIFA and social and political mobilization, solution Sports Administrative Court (TAJ) in response to a complaint filed Supreme Sports Council cas a very serious shortcoming, it May Suspend Rubiales ‘Indefinitely’ as you noticed this week Victor FrankosCSD President.

(according to information from Europe Press)

Source: Aristegui Noticias
