Paris 2024: Alexa Moreno received a ticket to her third Olympic Games

Mexican gymnast Alexa Moreno On Monday he received a pass to 2024 Olympic Games in Paris after finishing among the top 14 gymnasts World Gymnastics Championships Antwerp 2023took place in Belgium, and during which he received a non-registered pass to Mexico.

The national delegation team took 14th place in the competition and will receive an additional place with Moreno’s team at the Olympic Games.

Born in Mexicali shines again in jump testwhere he continues to amaze the world of Olympism and where he has already been crowned at world competitions, remembering his bronze at the 2018 World Artistic Gymnastics Championships, the first podium for a Mexican gymnast.. Meanwhile in the past Tokyo 2020 Games She was just one spot away from medaling, making her one of the best athletes on the entire continent.

V World Artistic Gymnastics Championships 2023held in Paris, he also managed to win a medal gold in your specialty and then bronze in the freestyle category.

On social networks, the gymnast confirmed her pass to those who will be her third Olympic Gamesdebuting in Rio 2016 and improvement to Tokyo 2020Therefore, an even greater jump in figures is expected at the summer fair in the French capital.

Pictured: Alexa Moreno Photo: EFE

Now Moreno has his sights set on Pan American Games be held in Santiago de Chile starting next October 20th until November 5th.

During Central American and Caribbean Games held in San Salvador, Moreno again dominated the national delegation, of which she was the official standard bearer, after achieving gold in jumping And two additional medals in artistic gymnastics.

Moreno’s influence on Mexican and international gymnastics also did not go unnoticed after Olympic Games They published a video on their official social networks in which they celebrated the 40th anniversary of the jumping discipline with two videos side by side: one from Moreno, the other from Romania. Nadia Comanecirecognized best Olympic gymnast ever.

Source: Aristegui Noticias
