Colombia and San Gol Bendito

The last experience of the Colombian national team in qualifying ahead of the World Cup in Qatar should show us the way to participate in the next FIFA orbital event.

Our football must move from vanity to effectiveness, understanding once and for all that football goals win and that we must focus our attention and energy on that fatal area of ​​the previous experience.

The memory of the matches against our next rivals with painful defeats, such as against Uruguay 3×0 and Ecuador 6×1, must be kept in mind to progress in the current qualifying match.

In particular, forgetting the topic, or skipping to the next page, or hastily taking the wrong step may sound sobering, but quickly turning the page and forgetting is not recommended. Every success or failure contains experiences that we must remember to support the good and to improve what went wrong.

The case of seven consecutive games without a goal is one of the most devastating moments in the history of our football. Colombia had top scorers, the football was attacking, but the lack of goals canceled that out.

That must be kept in mind. We started qualifying with a goal in two games. That is, we started again with a shortage of goals.

Rival teams score goals easily. In the two games, Brazil scored six, Argentina and Uruguay four. Scoring a goal for the Colombian national team is more difficult than operating the Rubik’s cube.

The ineffectiveness of our team is the lack of goals. And without goals we are in the same situation: biting our nails, praying, getting a hernia, trying to score goals from the stands.

That we love the vanity of playing well and beautifully, yes. But that doesn’t lead to world cups. Those who guide us are the blessed goals…

Source: El heraldo
