Colombian government ELN: “It’s time to put an end to kidnappings”

Delegation Government of Colombia demanded this Thursday at the peace talks National Liberation Army (ELN) that “the time has come to make decisions that exclude kidnapping” when they celebrated the release of the football player’s father Luis Diaz, ckidnapped twelve days ago by that partisan.

We celebrate with joy the release of Don Luis Manuel Diaz. He was also able to return safely to his family and his community. We hope that you will soon regain the peace of mind that was shattered by an event that should never have happened,” the delegation said in a statement.

He November 2 last year He THENwhich is conducting peace negotiations with Governmentannounced intention to release father of Luis Diaz, whose the kidnapping was a “mistake”as the leader of this partisan admitted, the pseudonym “Antonio Garcia“. But this promise was fulfilled this Thursday, November 9th.

In this context, the government delegation recalled:

Kidnapping is a crime that brutally violates human dignity (…) and seriously damages the confidence of Colombian society in achieving peace and is a major obstacle to agreements and ongoing change. responsible and free dialogue.

In a statement, the government delegation notes that “the current ELN process has moved forward like no one else to this day.”

For this reason, they demanded that at the next meeting with the delegation THENeach of the people held captive by this organization, liberated“in safety and dignity immediately“.

The ANO justified this method by saying it was part of its funding. It is ethically unreasonable to claim that human trafficking is legal, even in the context of armed conflict.

Performance Government In conclusion, he spoke about a possible end to the armed confrontation:

We believe that any discussion of the mechanisms for financing this armed organization can only take place after the conditions for the process of its political inclusion in the scenario for ending the conflict have been clarified, and this issue also needs to be considered at the next meeting.

peace talks between government and ELN a new misfortune happened to him father kidnapping famous Liverpool footballer turned partisan, although at the moment negotiations are ongoing.

However, some government members warned that the kidnapping would constitute ceasefire violation valid from August 3 last year.

(According to EFE)

Source: Aristegui Noticias
