The court in Barcelona confirms the trial date for Dani Alves for alleged sexual abuse

The court in Barcelona will rule on the former footballer Daniel Alves on February 5, 6 and 7 next year, for which the Public Prosecution Service is demanding nine years in prison for the alleged rape of a young woman in a Catalan nightclub. capital on December 30, 2022.

As reported by the Supreme Court of Catalonia (TSJC), the 21st department of the Barcelona Court of Justice, this Wednesday announced the dates of the trial for the footballer, who remains in pre-trial detention since he was arrested last January.

The Public Prosecution Service is demanding nine years in prison against the former FC Barcelona player, a sentence aggravated by the victim’s private accusation of twelve years, the legal maximum for the crime of sexual assault.

The footballer’s defense in turn asks for his acquittal, concluding that the sexual relations he had with the complainant in a bathroom at the Sutton nightclub took place as agreed, although he claims that the 150,000 euros paid by the defendant and imposed by the judge, as bail at their arraignment opens the door to a palliative measure to repair the damage in case of conviction, according to those consulted by the agency EFE Legal sources.

Although the positions of the prosecutor and the defense are completely different, ‘in extremis’ a Pact arrives “at the door of the trial that reduces the sentence of the Brazilian international in exchange for the recognition of the violation and compensation for the victim” .

Prosecutors and defenses had discussions months ago to explore the possibility of an agreement, although the complainant closed the door on the agreement in a statement last November, after emphasizing that the moral damage and consequences she suffered as a result of the assault ‘ were irreparable. ”.

According to the prosecutor in the written conclusions presented to the court, Alves sexually assaulted the 21-year-old woman on the night of December 30, 2022 in the private bathroom of the Sutton nightclub in Barcelona, ​​where the victim was with a cousin and a friend.

The footballer and his friend invited the young women to join them in the hut, where the five drank champagne, chatted and danced, a moment that Alves allegedly took advantage of to approach the victim, whose hand he took two grabbed her once to bring her closer. to his penis, the Ministry of Public Administration adds.

According to the prosecutor, around 3:20 a.m. Alves went to an adjacent door reserved exclusively for cabin guests and asked the young woman to come closer, which the victim accepted, without knowing what the private space he had just entered was like.

Once there, the State Department alleges, the footballer took her into a small bathroom and closed the door without leaving, even though she asked him to do so when he was in that “hut”, and he abused her sexually and maintained an attitude of ‘contempt’ towards her despite her resistance.

Despite the young woman asking “repeatedly” to leave the scene, Alves prevented her from doing so, the document said, meaning the victim was in a “fear and terror” situation that left them unable to comment.

(With information from EFE)

Source: La Neta Neta
