1 Derksen didn’t apologize and told him to stop in today

Johan Derksen was in the show on Thursday evening in today The program has stopped. “You can’t win this war,” said the analyst. I like it this way,” he said.

Derksen did not apologize for his comments in the Thursday evening program, despite his employer Talpa Network asking and announcing this on Thursday evening.

Derksen: “To whom do I have to apologize? Because I personally have not offended anyone. If Talpa Network says to apologize, I say I’m done.”

Derksen’s departure could also mean the end of the program. Host Wilfred Genee said they should stop altogether, but it’s unclear if they will.

Derksen said on Thursday that he had to apologize to Talpa for the story he told on Tuesday. The future of the talk show is determined accordingly. He doesn’t want to wait for it. “Well, that’s what I’m going to make that decision for,” he said. “My mistake.”

“I woke up and canceled the culture”

“We are the only program that can say something spiritually independent, but maybe there is no room for such a program anymore,” he continued.

Derksen attributes the incident to the “culture of revival” and therefore wanted to make a statement on Tuesday. “People delete others from right to left. For the first time in my life I am vulnerable and it has gotten completely out of hand. If you slip once in all those years and everyone falls for you, there might be no room left. For Johan Derksen.”

Talpa Network could not be reached for comment on Thursday evening.

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Source: NU
