Minister Helder makes haste with MVB professionalization after blunder in Wevers affair

“When people from the sports world ask me whether ISR needs to improve, I immediately answer: yes, of course. But we are dealing with the current situation and we have to start with the first point of improvement.”

Helder did not respond to questions about whether the Long-term Care and Sport department is prepared to make an additional contribution. “I’m ending conversations with the ISR and the gymnasts first to make sure I know enough about what’s going on. Only then will I make statements about the necessary measures.”

unacceptable behavior

On Monday, Helder gave an extensive update on the latest developments in Dutch senior sport in the jungle of Papendal sports center; that cross-border behavior is a common thread in chats. The program included a visit to the Center for Sports Safety (CVS).

“During our interviews, CVS employees emphasized that the entire chain, from the foundations of Dutch sport to the disciplinary procedures, must be organised.

The gymnastics world has been on fire for almost two years after abuses from the past came to light. Top gymnasts Lieke Wevers, Tisha Volleman and Naomi Visser recently raised the alarm about the lack of rear vision.

Source: NOS
