Russian dissident Alexey Navalny, who has not been heard from for a week, was apparently transferred from the Melekhovo penal colony to Moscow for a new criminal case opened against him for “vandalism”. This is what the Telegram channel “Baza” reports. Other sources – it is explained – confirm the information about the transfer, but […]
Tag: Aleksei Navalny
Russia, mystery of Aleksei Navalny: where did Putin’s opponent end up
The mystery continues regarding the fate of Aleksei Navalny, from whom collaborators and supporters have not heard from for 6 days. According to his spokeswoman, Kira Yarmysh, the Russian opponent would have been transferred from the Ik-6 Melekhovo penal colony, but the prison authorities would not have provided details about the new location. Authorities at […]
Navalny, appeal request rejected: 19-year sentence executed
A Russian court has rejected opposition leader Aleksei Navalny’s appeal against his 19-year prison sentence under a special regime for “extremism”. Navalny’s spokeswoman Kira Yarmish announced this on social media. The sentence then comes into force. Now Navalny is awaiting transfer from a maximum security colony to a special security colony. This means, among other […]