Tag: amnesty

New building amnesty on the horizon: Salvini’s plan and who can benefit from it?

New building amnesty on the horizon: Salvini’s plan and who can benefit from it? New building amnesty on the horizon: Salvini’s plan and who can benefit from it?

In the Housing Plan, which Salvini and the Union want to implement and register by 2025 (and this plan may already have an impact on the election campaign for the European elections), there will be room for the construction of amnesty. The Northern League leader would say: “I’m not talking about illegal villas on the […]

Thousands of people took to the streets in Spain against amnesty for Catalan separatists

Thousands of people took to the streets in Spain against amnesty for Catalan separatists Thousands of people took to the streets in Spain against amnesty for Catalan separatists

Approximately 170 thousand people marched in Madrid yesterday in the largest protest against the amnesty law approved by Spanish socialists for those responsible for Catalonia’s secession attempt in 2017. The demonstration, the latest in a series of protests across the country, took place two days after the incident. In exchange for the passage of the […]

Spain, 100 thousand on the streets against the agreement between Sanchez and the Catalans for amnesty

Spain, 100 thousand on the streets against the agreement between Sanchez and the Catalans for amnesty Spain, 100 thousand on the streets against the agreement between Sanchez and the Catalans for amnesty

The Spanish Parliament will vote on Thursday to confirm the new government of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, who has secured the support of Catalan separatist parties. Parliamentary debates will begin at 11am on Wednesday, with a confidence vote expected on Thursday, said Chamber President Francina Armengol. In exchange for the votes of Catalan separatists, Sánchez […]

In Spain, right-wingers take to the streets against amnesty for Catalan independence activists

In Spain, right-wingers take to the streets against amnesty for Catalan independence activists In Spain, right-wingers take to the streets against amnesty for Catalan independence activists

2 million for the organizers, 400 thousand for the government. But whatever the actual numbers, the mobilization of centre-right parties is still huge and they took to the streets in several Spanish cities on Sunday to protest the amnesty for Catalan separatists. He took on the task of forming his third government. The amnesty is […]

How does the receipt amnesty that “saved” 50 thousand stores work?

How does the receipt amnesty that “saved” 50 thousand stores work? How does the receipt amnesty that “saved” 50 thousand stores work?

There is a measure in the Meloni government’s energy decree that will create controversy between fuel bonuses and discounts on electricity and natural gas bills. The newly introduced rule package even included amnesty for tax receipts; This package, as underlined by the executive, “save” 50 thousand small commercial enterprises from the suspension of their licenses […]

Pd and M5s are protesting, but have already said yes to the mini-buildings amnesty

Pd and M5s are protesting, but have already said yes to the mini-buildings amnesty Pd and M5s are protesting, but have already said yes to the mini-buildings amnesty

A two-faced Janus. Perfect synthesis of barely disguised hypocrisy. Italy’s left offers a new pearl. For two days now, progressives have been tearing up their clothes to protest against the proposal launched by Matteo Salvini for amnesty for violations of small buildings. An idea marked, in unequivocal terms, as “another gift for those who don’t […]

New amnesty for beach houses on the way

New amnesty for beach houses on the way New amnesty for beach houses on the way

Amnesty for beach houses in Sicily has turned to controversy. There is no exact figure, but there are currently between 200 and 250 thousand residences. Be careful though. These are not regular houses. These are illegal properties built on the island before 1983, 150 meters from the sea. And it was not covered by the […]
