Tag: dear energy

Gas bills are rising but there is good news despite ‘Middle East’ risk

Gas bills are rising but there is good news despite ‘Middle East’ risk Gas bills are rising but there is good news despite ‘Middle East’ risk

The Middle East scenario, which includes the unknowns behind the expansion of the conflict between Hamas and Israel, could affect gas prices in Europe, which could lead to a rise in prices in the Italian market. A change to the bills is expected tomorrow, November 3, and Arera (the public institution that determines electricity and […]

Gas price rises again: “1,459 euros per year for families”

Gas price rises again: “1,459 euros per year for families” Gas price rises again: “1,459 euros per year for families”

The energy regulator (Arera) updates the cost of energy with the gas conservation law valid in September, with an increase of 4.8% compared to August. The increase was entirely due to the increase in natural gas expenditures (+4.8%), while charges for transportation and metering expenditures remained unchanged. It has been approved to manage heat and […]

Bills, new decree coming: how are rates and bonuses changing?

Bills, new decree coming: how are rates and bonuses changing? Bills, new decree coming: how are rates and bonuses changing?

Time is getting tighter. The last aid against high energy prices will expire in April, and the government is still debating what to do. The only fixed point is the approval of the social bonus, which, at least according to the leaked media, is today fully paid for those with an ISEE below 9,530 euros […]

Electricity and gas bills: what’s been going on since April?

Electricity and gas bills: what’s been going on since April? Electricity and gas bills: what’s been going on since April?

Will bill discounts ending on March 31 be approved? Environment and Energy Security Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin is optimistic but does not go too far. “We are currently conducting an assessment with the Ministry of Economy, which holds the purse strings, and this will certainly affect the full or partial inclusion of so-called system fees,” […]

From the Guido Carli Foundation, the manifesto against the energy crisis

From the Guido Carli Foundation, the manifesto against the energy crisis From the Guido Carli Foundation, the manifesto against the energy crisis

The event on December 2nd at Villa Blanc in Rome A Manifesto with ideas and proposals to support the new government in the challenge of our time: to overcome the energy crisis without renouncing to pursue with determination the ecological transition, crucial for the development of the country and the protection of the environmental balance. […]

“Unilateral modification of energy contracts is a sham”. Legal earthquake in the accounts

“Unilateral modification of energy contracts is a sham”. Legal earthquake in the accounts “Unilateral modification of energy contracts is a sham”.  Legal earthquake in the accounts

Anyone who switched to the free market and had a fixed price relative to the protected market can object to the increases. That’s how Bills have become the first concern of Italians, who helplessly watch vertiginous increases and often have to choose between paying the bills or putting the plate on the table. But in […]

The last flop of the “best”: in Italy the most expensive accounts in Europe, that’s why

The last flop of the “best”: in Italy the most expensive accounts in Europe, that’s why The last flop of the “best”: in Italy the most expensive accounts in Europe, that’s why

Bills increased in Rome more than in other capitals. Also because the government has not implemented significant measures Expensive energy is there for everyone. But in Italy the worst situation is discounted. This is what emerges from the price comparison made by “Il Messaggero”. “Since the beginning of the year – we read – our […]

Energy, Mattarella encourages the EU: “Intolerable speculation, remedy”

Energy, Mattarella encourages the EU: “Intolerable speculation, remedy” Energy, Mattarella encourages the EU: “Intolerable speculation, remedy”

Sergio Mattarella raises his voice with Europe. Speculation about increases in energy prices to the detriment of citizens is “intolerable” and “only the European Union has the strength to intervene in price automatisms” to plan and implement “from now on the instruments to promote recovery” . Sergio Mattarella is clear and – before the Knights […]

Message from Mario Draghi to Coldiretti: “New Interventions for Families and Businesses”

Message from Mario Draghi to Coldiretti: “New Interventions for Families and Businesses” Message from Mario Draghi to Coldiretti: “New Interventions for Families and Businesses”

A message to reassure farmers. Prime Minister Mario Draghi, in a letter sent to Coldiretti within the scope of the national assembly of the farmers’ association, reaffirms his support for the category and explains that in the coming days the government will launch new interventions both in terms of drought and dear energy. Draghi’s message […]

Confartigianato raises alarm about expensive energy: “Risk of massacres of companies”

Confartigianato raises alarm about expensive energy: “Risk of massacres of companies” Confartigianato raises alarm about expensive energy: “Risk of massacres of companies”

New alarm for Italian companies. According to the results of a report prepared by Confartigianato, the Italian organization of crafts and micro and small companies, expensive energy puts 881,264 micro and small companies with 3,529,000 employees at risk, equivalent to 20.6% of the employment in the system. Italian business. The report highlights the growing and […]
