Tag: debuted

Premiership, Mattarella signs decree-law

Premiership, Mattarella signs decree-law Premiership, Mattarella signs decree-law

Just over 24 hours after the text arrived at the Quirinale, Sergio Mattarella authorized the presentation to the Chambers of the Prime Minister’s constitutional bill, approved by the Council of Ministers on November 3rd and which reached the Quirinale. Giving the green light to transmit a bill to Parliament is the duty of the President […]

Direct election of the Prime Minister, Meloni right: if we go to the referendum, yes wins

Direct election of the Prime Minister, Meloni right: if we go to the referendum, yes wins Direct election of the Prime Minister, Meloni right: if we go to the referendum, yes wins

The objective of the constitutional reform for the direct election of the prime minister is to obtain a qualified majority, but if we go to a referendum, the yes vote wins. Giorgia Meloni explains that “it is a reform that we wrote after having gathered the sensitivity of the vast majority of Italians, having listened […]

Premiership, Italians vote in referendum: survey brings down the left

Premiership, Italians vote in referendum: survey brings down the left Premiership, Italians vote in referendum: survey brings down the left

The “mother of all reforms”, as the Prime Minister called it Giorgia Meloni, we have to do it. Italians promote debuted he’direct election of the prime minister: data emerges from a survey created by Roberto Baldassari, general director of Lab 21.01, to Italian business. 57.3% of Italians are in favor of the direct election of […]

Premiership, Giorgia Meloni launches the challenge: “Referendum if necessary”

Premiership, Giorgia Meloni launches the challenge: “Referendum if necessary” Premiership, Giorgia Meloni launches the challenge: “Referendum if necessary”

Constitutional reform on the agenda. Prime Minister Meloni launched his challenge to improve the country. A fundamental step will be the reform of the position of prime minister: the direct election of the prime minister will guarantee Italy greater stability in its governments. «In these 75 years the protagonists, the electoral laws, the parties have […]

Casellati, Vespa twist: proof that they “lie”, left buried

Casellati, Vespa twist: proof that they “lie”, left buried Casellati, Vespa twist: proof that they “lie”, left buried

Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati proves her detractors wrong: the Head of State will not be weakened by her constitutional reform. The premier’s godmother, a guest on Rai 1 of Bruno Vespa’s Cinque Minuti, clears the air of doubt – Constitution in hand. And he does so at the beginning of his speech on the main […]

Meloni stands firmly with the Jewish community: “Disturbing signs of anti-Semitism”

Meloni stands firmly with the Jewish community: “Disturbing signs of anti-Semitism” Meloni stands firmly with the Jewish community: “Disturbing signs of anti-Semitism”

Giorgia Meloni does not back down from guaranteeing support for the Jewish community, in danger after the outbreak of war in the Middle East due to the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7th. The Prime Minister uses firm tones of condemnation of anti-Semitic episodes in a conversation with Il Messaggero: “The signs of anti-Semitism […]

Making its debut, owls on the left are rooting for a referendum to overthrow Meloni

Making its debut, owls on the left are rooting for a referendum to overthrow Meloni Making its debut, owls on the left are rooting for a referendum to overthrow Meloni

Anyone who wants to write a manual to guide opposition forces in building an idea of ​​a country that makes them credible to govern, there is one place they absolutely should not look: Italy. There was a lot of evidence in these first twelve months of center-right leadership, but the consecration came in the debate […]

Premiership, the opposition’s counterproposal: Germany as a model to follow

Premiership, the opposition’s counterproposal: Germany as a model to follow Premiership, the opposition’s counterproposal: Germany as a model to follow

At the moment there is no “counter-bill” from the opposition to the government’s regarding the position of prime minister. But the positions expressed so far, based on the “consultations” with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in May in Montecitorio, lead to a possible shared counter-proposal: a chancellery on the German model. No direct elections, no questioning […]

The Prime Minister’s “weapon of distraction”: Bisignani’s record in the European elections

The Prime Minister’s “weapon of distraction”: Bisignani’s record in the European elections The Prime Minister’s “weapon of distraction”: Bisignani’s record in the European elections

Dear Editor, is constitutional reform a weapon of mass distraction by the Government? According to a wise old man, there is only one reason that pushes Meloni towards constitutional reform: she doesn’t want to do it. If she really wanted to, she should have taken the opportunity to soar, broadening her horizon and opening a […]

Premiership, Matteo Renzi ready to vote on reform

Premiership, Matteo Renzi ready to vote on reform Premiership, Matteo Renzi ready to vote on reform

Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is open to the reform proposed by the Meloni government. «We want the direct election of the prime minister. Allowing citizens to choose who governs is normal around the world. And it’s a step forward for Italy.” This is Matteo Renzi interviewed by Corriere della Sera. «We had put this in […]
