Tag: decent work agenda

Parliament starts discussing labor laws today

Parliament starts discussing labor laws today Parliament starts discussing labor laws today

Discussions on a new package of amendments to the labor laws will start this Friday in the House of Representatives with a proposal for a diploma that has some setbacks compared to the initial intentions of the government, now endowed with a majority that allows it to proposes to decide on the direction of appreciation […]

Opposition pushes forward 17 proposals for labor law reform

Opposition pushes forward 17 proposals for labor law reform Opposition pushes forward 17 proposals for labor law reform

The government’s proposal to amend the Labor Act in the so-called Decent Work Agenda dropped a partial replacement of overtime pay, but former contraption partners, Bloco de Esquerda and PCP, jumped at the idea. The re-evaluation of overtime to pre-workout levelstroika it is part of a series of 17 bills already tabled by the opposition […]
