Tag: dollar crash

The market is responding favorably, the Treasury Department says before the fall of the dollar

The market is responding favorably, the Treasury Department says before the fall of the dollar The market is responding favorably, the Treasury Department says before the fall of the dollar

Treasury Secretary Ricardo Bonilla assured that the fall of the dollar below the $4,000 mark is a favorable market response to the fulfillment of the national government’s commitment to the fiscal rule. Speaking to businessmen from Colombia, Peru, Chile and the United States at a meeting this Tuesday, he claimed that the market could verify […]

The dollar broke the $4,000 mark

The dollar broke the $4,000 mark The dollar broke the ,000 mark

The dollar recorded an average price of $3,991.02 on Tuesday, breaking the $4,000 mark and reaching its minimum value for the past year. The currency’s gain was $78 compared to the Representative Market Rate (TRM) in effect this Tuesday, which stood at $4,069.39. The closing price was $4,001, while the minimum reached was $3,971.10 and […]
