The representative in the House of Representatives, Gersel Perezby Drastic changefiled in Congress last Tuesday five accountsincluding an initiative aimed at strengthening the school feeding programme, PAE. – Read: “I’m afraid because powerful people want to silence me”: Olmedo López – To see: CNE criticizes the government for not allocating money to political parties – […]
Tag: drastic change
Radical Change questions Petro’s ‘wastefulness’ in Switzerland
So is the Chairmanship had reported this in a statement last Monday in the context of the 54th World Economic Forum in DavosSwitzerland opened its doors in Casa Colombia, whose strategy “aims to attract investments of more than $2 billion in three strategic pillars: energy transitionenvironmental sustainability and sustainable tourism infrastructure”. Meanwhile, ProColombia had said […]
Atlco bank. Appoints minister to discuss education reforms
The representative Modesto Aguileraof Cambio Radical, reported on Wednesday that the Atlantic bank called on Education Minister Aurora Vergara to discuss the reform education and other portfolio issues. Also read: PH deplores “escalation of violence against Israeli and Palestinian civilians” To this end, the department’s members of Congress, different political sidesthey sent him one missive […]
CNE investigates the withdrawal of Yenis Orozco’s candidacy for mayor of Malambo
He National Electoral Council examines the lawsuit filed against Yenis Orozco’s candidacy at the Malambo Mayor’s Officefor alleged double militancy. The trial against the candidate, supported by the Liberal Party, was initiated because she had violated Article 2 of Law 1475 of 2011, which prohibits simultaneous membership of more than one political party or movement. […]
“What happened to my son Arturo has affected us enormously”: Fuad Char
In the middle of the ceremony to make official the alliance between Alejandro Char and Eduardo Verano, which took place on Thursday afternoon, Fuad Char spoke about the lawsuit that his son Arturo Char faced. “What happened to my son Arturo hit us very hard, to the depths of our souls. To Alex, to Antonio, […]
How does Congress’ spasmodic agenda begin?
And surrounding the allegations of his close relationship with President Gustavo Petro, Calle explained: “What I am doing is a call for unity of the Liberal Party with its guidelines, the institutional framework, but also with the political bases that elect us and that sometimes felt left out and had to migrate. I want to […]
Cannabis for adult use, back on track but with changes
The representative Juan Carlos Losada, of the Liberal Party, announced this Thursday that the cannabis project for adult use that has sunk in the past and which will include on this occasion the amendments proposed by Cambio Radical will be re-established in this legislature. “It will curb the ban on cannabis advertising and will bring […]
Elections will be an expression of popular discontent: Vargas Lleras
To the applause and ovation of hundreds of citizens, the former vice president and leader of the Cambio Radical party, German Vargas Llerasdescribes the objectives to be achieved in the political field in the Atlantic in view of the Territorial elections 2023. (Read: “We need the union of the majorities”: Vargas Lleras’ call in Atlco) […]
Cambio Radical finances youth advertising during the elections
Dozens of people arrived this Friday at Combarranquilla Country headquarters for the rally of women and youth led by the Cambió Radicale party. Germán Vargas Lleras said the October regional elections are an opportunity for Colombian departments to increase the presence of women in political arenas. “The party has made extra budget available for regional […]
Opposition considers illegal what was approved in the last session of the legislature
“Centro Democrático and Cambio Radical agreed to set June 20, as we told you in two communications and in the additional one that you (Alexander López, President of the Senate) ignored. We want to record the manifest unlawfulness that is celebrated today and anything that is approved will be denounced because you violate the statute […]