The division is also over whether the mobilizations are treated as a mechanism of popular pressure on their land representatives legislative or an attempt to replace democratic debate in the world Capitol. The political analyst, Carlos Arias, had told this newspaper that the marches “in principle have an electoral political importance” because “the president aims […]
Tag: election campaign
Which topics should be prioritized in the election campaign? New poll
Inflation and the price issue are the first topic expected by the respondents of the new poll in the election campaign. Yet taxes lagged far behind. In the survey, respondents were asked what issues they should raise in the election campaign of the parties they intend to vote for. What topics should be covered in […]
Minister in trouble for a thousand euros
He is angry with his own fans. It happened to Paschal Donohoe, Irish Minister of Public Expenditure and head of the Eurogroup. The politician admitted to the Dublin Parliament that he “unknowingly” received donations in violation of national rules during the 2016 and 2020 election campaigns. However, the undeclared offer received would not consist of […]
Exposed from the League: “Many shadows in Puglia, enough from the Emiliano system”
Complaint exposed by the League after yet another shadow that extends over the electoral campaign in Puglia, with reports in the press that speak of political meetings in regional agencies – organized by the left – to influence officials. All after Governor Michele Emiliano’s grave statements against the center-right (“we’ll make you spit blood”) while […]
Hooded vandals attack an FdI gazebo. Meloni: “Vile attack, we won’t stop”
Vandals against Brothers of Italy. Again. After Giorgia Meloni’s poster torn from a group of women in Olbia, today, September 3, there was an assault on an FdI viewpoint in Milan, on Viale Papiniano. The news was given by the FdI senator Ignazio La Russa: “A few minutes ago one of our gazebos in Viale […]
Pd, Letta dusts off the “sage” Prodi to attack Conte and Calenda
Enrico Letta relaunches on social networks the electoral aid that it received today, September 3, from Romano Prodi. The leader of Oliveira, with whom the Democratic Party came to power in 2006, in an interview with Corriere della Sera defends the Democratic Party secretary and accuses M5S of Giuseppe Conte AND Carlos Calenda of the […]
The “grillino” Franceschini goes to Naples and swears he will defend the citizenship income
Dario Franceschini he is a candidate for the Senate for the plurinominal of Campania 1. The minister of Culture, a great member of the Democratic Party and of Ferrara, will have to be elected by the Neapolitans to enter the next Parliament. Today, September 3, he went to the Neapolitan capital to campaign. And what […]
Elections, Matteo Salvini unmasks Calenda: “Why does he want to suspend the campaign”
Italy ends up in the crosshairs of speculators. “Investors rush to bet against the Italian debt” warns the financial newspaper Financial Times on the day that the price of gas in Europe hits a new record: 320 euros per megawatt hour. The leader of the action, Carlo Calenda, immediately raised the alarm and asked to […]
Elections, Giorgia Meloni opens election campaign: “I don’t need to apologize for the Piacenza video”
There is a need for “a government of people who have no bosses. I think I can lead such a government. Anyone who has experienced it knows that we do not allow ourselves to be intimidated, blackmailed and bought.” Giorgia Meloni shows her claws at the official opening rally of the electoral campaign, after the […]
Lula “communist” and the “demon” Bolsonaro. Election campaign kicks off in Brazil
Lula chose a symbolic place to start the campaign © Fernando Bizerra/EPA Author: João Almeida Moreira, TSF correspondent in Brazil With Lula, Brazil will move towards communism. Bolsonaro is possessed by the devil. The electoral campaign in Brazil got off to a hot start, how could it be otherwise, in what analysts predict will be […]