Tag: gianluigi comparison

5 stars, if Grillo throws a tantrum, Di Battista will be the one to go after Conte: what Paragone knows

5 stars, if Grillo throws a tantrum, Di Battista will be the one to go after Conte: what Paragone knows 5 stars, if Grillo throws a tantrum, Di Battista will be the one to go after Conte: what Paragone knows

In recent weeks, Beppe Grillo has been making a name for himself in the name of his status as the guarantor of the Five Star Movement: clearly the former guru has a lot of time to waste in keeping up with these things, since when it really mattered he savored the words and the grillini […]

Gianluigi Paragone: why I resign from Italexit and leave politics

Gianluigi Paragone: why I resign from Italexit and leave politics Gianluigi Paragone: why I resign from Italexit and leave politics

We are talking about very small news, let’s be clear. But this worries me and I take advantage of your patience to explain why I left the leadership of the party I founded. I leave Italexit and politics out of a duty of justice towards those who read me and see me on television; I […]

Reforms, Comparison: those “hidden hands” that defend the Palace

Reforms, Comparison: those “hidden hands” that defend the Palace Reforms, Comparison: those “hidden hands” that defend the Palace

“I am the power. Confessions of a Chief of Staff”. I recommend reading it to all those who write and speak about constitutional reform. In fact, I am convinced that the slalom between presidentialism, the prime minister and other formulas risks leading us astray in relation to two real powers, one of which is very […]

Swg-La7 search, Paragone booms. But there is an incredible fact about Mentana

Swg-La7 search, Paragone booms. But there is an incredible fact about Mentana Swg-La7 search, Paragone booms.  But there is an incredible fact about Mentana

New commitment to the La7 news Monday night survey directed by Enrico Mentana. The survey, carried out by SWG, once again rewards Fratelli d’Italia, which remains stable and abundantly the main Italian party: in one week, Giorgia Meloni and her party went from 29.2% to 29.1% (- 0.1%). In the voting guidelines there is also […]

EU like Draghi, Paragone’s onslaught: not legitimized by popular vote

EU like Draghi, Paragone’s onslaught: not legitimized by popular vote EU like Draghi, Paragone’s onslaught: not legitimized by popular vote

Every time Mario Draghi speaks, competition begins in newspaper offices to see who will be the first to comment on his words, who will praise his views and perspectives. Mario Draghi can count, like few others, on a group of commentators and analysts always ready (and even a little prone) to praise the Central Banker […]

Pd-M5s, Paragone reveals Conte’s secret weapon: destiny sealed for Schlein?

Pd-M5s, Paragone reveals Conte’s secret weapon: destiny sealed for Schlein? Pd-M5s, Paragone reveals Conte’s secret weapon: destiny sealed for Schlein?

Elly Schlein faces a dead end in the face of the European elections, scheduled for June 2024. The PD’s completely leftist line scares away reformists, as the case of Liguria demonstrates, and leads the party to compete for shares of the electorate also controlled by Movement 5 Stars by Giuseppe Conte. Who, at the celebration […]

Against the tide, Paragone disintegrates the left in degradation: “Smiles, benefactors and then…”

Against the tide, Paragone disintegrates the left in degradation: “Smiles, benefactors and then…” Against the tide, Paragone disintegrates the left in degradation: “Smiles, benefactors and then…”

Gianlugi Paragone, leader of Italexit, is the guest of Controcorrida, the evening program Rete4 presented by Alessandra Viero, on January 3, and addresses the issue of degradation and security risks, a topic that has returned to fashion after the stabbing of the tourist staged at the end of last year at Termini station in Rome: […]

The government is thinking of avoiding power outages for families. Paragone analysis

The government is thinking of avoiding power outages for families. Paragone analysis The government is thinking of avoiding power outages for families.  Paragone analysis

If it wasn’t so hot, even anomalous in October, we say we’d be in trouble. But as sooner or later temperatures are destined to drop and we will have to take off our coats, we would do well to understand how we will have to move not only not to freeze to death, but also […]

Elections 2022, Italexit out of Parliament. Disappointed Comparison: “Why We Lost”

Elections 2022, Italexit out of Parliament. Disappointed Comparison: “Why We Lost” Elections 2022, Italexit out of Parliament.  Disappointed Comparison: “Why We Lost”

Big disappointment for Gianluigi Paragone. Italexit failed to cross the 3% threshold in the 2022 elections and therefore remains outside Parliament. Paragone, to the microphones of La7, tries to explain the reasons for the defeat: “We expected a much higher turnout”, he explains. #political elections2022 Italexit outside Parliament, Comparison: “We were expecting a much larger […]

Fourth Republic, Paragone reveals the true face of the EU in energy: “Every man for himself”

Fourth Republic, Paragone reveals the true face of the EU in energy: “Every man for himself” Fourth Republic, Paragone reveals the true face of the EU in energy: “Every man for himself”

Gianluigi Paragone was among the guests of the September 19 edition of Quarta Repubblica, Rete4’s Monday night television program with Nicola Porro directing. In particular, the speech of the senator and leader of Italexit was the focus on expensive energy and emergency bills: “The project went from expensive to prohibitive, the State must put the […]
