Tag: Giuseppe Valditara

Education 4+2, Giuseppe Valditara: “We offer quality training”

Education 4+2, Giuseppe Valditara: “We offer quality training” Education 4+2, Giuseppe Valditara: “We offer quality training”

There are 171 technical and professional institutes, for 193 courses, which, at the end of the investigation carried out by the technical committee of the Ministry of Education and Merit on the applications received, were admitted to experiment with new technical and professional education. The schools, according to a note from the Ministry, presented, in […]

School, 98% of tutors and 95% of appointed counselors. Valditara: “Concrete help”

School, 98% of tutors and 95% of appointed counselors. Valditara: “Concrete help” School, 98% of tutors and 95% of appointed counselors.  Valditara: “Concrete help”

95% of secondary schools completed the appointments of tutors and advisors on the “Unica” platform: 98% of expected tutors were appointed, i.e. 36,908 out of 37,708, and 95% of advisors, which is equivalent to 2,604 out of 2753. “Treat concrete help for children, an important step forward towards the personalization of teaching, the fight against […]

Pension Plan, Valditara renews and expands benefits for school and ministry employees

Pension Plan, Valditara renews and expands benefits for school and ministry employees Pension Plan, Valditara renews and expands benefits for school and ministry employees

The Ministry of Education and Merit published an expression of interest in expanding the Pension Plan aimed at school and MIM employees, including new sectors and operators and providing more benefits and services. In particular, banks, financial intermediaries and other entities authorized to grant credit in Italy will be involved, with the aim of acquiring, […]

Technical education and professions bill, green light. Valditara: “Fundamental reform”

Technical education and professions bill, green light. Valditara: “Fundamental reform” Technical education and professions bill, green light.  Valditara: “Fundamental reform”

Senate Committee VII approved this morning the government’s bill that reforms technical-vocational education with the introduction of the new 4+2 model. The project will be processed in the Chamber immediately after the budget law. “I thank the president of the Education Committee, Roberto Marti, the rapporteur, Ella Bucalo, the undersecretary Paola Frassinetti, the entire parliamentary […]

Valditara: the school needs serenity. “Educating about relationships” ahead without guarantors

Valditara: the school needs serenity. “Educating about relationships” ahead without guarantors Valditara: the school needs serenity.  “Educating about relationships” ahead without guarantors

“Machismo and violence against women are serious and important issues that are at the heart of this government. It is no coincidence that a bill signed by Roccella was approved by Parliament and is entitled ‘Provisions to combat violence against women and domestic violence’. . And it is no coincidence that on November 22nd a […]

School and dimensioning, Valditara: “Satisfied with the Court’s decision”

School and dimensioning, Valditara: “Satisfied with the Court’s decision” School and dimensioning, Valditara: “Satisfied with the Court’s decision”

The Constitutional Court took an important decision regarding the size of the school network in Italy, directly impacting regional competences in the field of education. The Regions of Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna and Puglia filed appeals against various provisions of law no. Decree-Law No. 197, of December 29, 2022, relating to the management of management staff in […]

“Demagogic polemics”. Valditara, what is really written in Amadori’s book

“Demagogic polemics”. Valditara, what is really written in Amadori’s book “Demagogic polemics”.  Valditara, what is really written in Amadori’s book

“I read Professor Amadori’s book, there is absolutely no sentence against women in general, there is no sentence in which abusive attitudes towards women are justified or legitimized. We speak, according to his thesis, of a very conflictual relationship between men and women in which machismo, even patriarchy, is harshly stigmatized “and” highlights how in […]

Giulia Cecchettin, Valditara’s initiative: “Minute of silence on Tuesday in all schools”

Giulia Cecchettin, Valditara’s initiative: “Minute of silence on Tuesday in all schools” Giulia Cecchettin, Valditara’s initiative: “Minute of silence on Tuesday in all schools”

Initiative by the Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara in memory of Giulia Cecchettin. Government member Meloni accepted the invitation, launched on X and Facebook, by Adnkronos director Davide Desario. “It would be good if Education Minister Valditara proclaimed a minute of silence against feminicides on Monday in all secondary schools in the country,” […]

Minister Valditara: “We will rediscover the patriotism of the Constitution”

Minister Valditara: “We will rediscover the patriotism of the Constitution” Minister Valditara: “We will rediscover the patriotism of the Constitution”

“One of the most beautiful things about this constituent spirit is that the founding fathers “found themselves confronted with completely different political and cultural experiences. The big message was one of collaboration for the Republic. Although they differed in their assumptions, they strove to create a synthesis. You may feel this longing for newfound freedom. […]

Valditara against anti-Semitic teacher: racial hatred incompatible with school

Valditara against anti-Semitic teacher: racial hatred incompatible with school Valditara against anti-Semitic teacher: racial hatred incompatible with school

Regarding the case of the mathematics teacher at the H-Farm Institute school in Roncade (Treviso), who allegedly published a post on Instagram, later removed, accompanied by the writing “Go to hell, Hitler was right about you Jews” , the Ministry of Education and Merit, at the instigation of Minister Valditara, promptly acted, requesting the institute’s […]
