The CCI is the result of the grouping of five categories, three of which correspond to household expectations for one year and form the Consumer Expectations Index (IEC); and the other two remaining consist of the Economic Condition Index (ICE), which reflects consumer perception of the current economic situation. The CCI improved in December and […]
Tag: household expenses
Household spending fell 3% in March
Household spending fell by 3.0% in March compared to the same month last year. According to Raddar Gastometry, monthly household spending was $78.5 billion and in the past 12 months was $964.4 billion. According to the Raddar form, this decline may be related to the decline in spending placement through debt. This expenditure showed a […]
How much does it cost to live in Colombia in Colombian Pesos?
Pen in hand, he begins to explain every household consumption in detail. According to his analysis, the meal It has a cost of 150 euros in Spain, which would be equivalent to $759,028 in Colombia; He fuel €200 ($1,012,037); He rent/mortgage €450 ($2,277,518), the clothes €100 ($506,115); the Services (water, electricity and gas) € 150 […]
Consumption is starting to lose momentum
Barranquilla, Despite the pre-carnival season moving the local economy, it did not escape this trend, registering a 1.83% decrease in household spending in January compared to the same month in 2022, this rate is higher than the decrease in the national average, which was 1.6%. The study Consumer report from the firm Raddar points out […]
Increased financial burden on households
In line with the higher growth of the household portfolio, there was an increase in the financial burdens it bears. This is evident from the data from the Financial Stability Report of Banco de la República for the second half of 2022. Over the past two quarters, households’ financial burdens have risen and debt relative […]
Inflation has already ‘eaten’ the rise in the minimum in B/kiel
If you feel every time you go to the market that the money is not enough to buy the products you traditionally buy, you are wrong. You experience the effect of the increase in inflation that affects household finances. The consumption report the houses andfrom the company Raddar it appears that in Colombia In August […]