Tag: la7

La7 survey, the Democratic Party continues to fail in 2024

La7 survey, the Democratic Party continues to fail in 2024 La7 survey, the Democratic Party continues to fail in 2024

Another negative sign for the Democratic Party in the latest SWG survey carried out for the La7 news program directed by Enrico Mentana. In the January 22nd edition of the news, the Brothers of Italy remained firmly in first place among Italian parties, with a total of 28.8% in voting guidelines, -0.2% compared to last […]

Swg, the Mentana survey makes the parties tremble: “Who will the votes go to”

Swg, the Mentana survey makes the parties tremble: “Who will the votes go to” Swg, the Mentana survey makes the parties tremble: “Who will the votes go to”

Like every Monday, also on December 11th during TgLa7 Enrico Mentana revealed the data from the SWG survey for the last week. Shift of votes to the left: the Grillinis lose votes that go entirely to the Democratic Party. The other left-wing parties, however, are not laughing: Action, Greens and Left and +Europe are all […]

Swg-La7 search, Paragone booms. But there is an incredible fact about Mentana

Swg-La7 search, Paragone booms. But there is an incredible fact about Mentana Swg-La7 search, Paragone booms.  But there is an incredible fact about Mentana

New commitment to the La7 news Monday night survey directed by Enrico Mentana. The survey, carried out by SWG, once again rewards Fratelli d’Italia, which remains stable and abundantly the main Italian party: in one week, Giorgia Meloni and her party went from 29.2% to 29.1% (- 0.1%). In the voting guidelines there is also […]

Swg Research, Mentana announces who goes up and who goes down

Swg Research, Mentana announces who goes up and who goes down Swg Research, Mentana announces who goes up and who goes down

Who goes up and who goes down in the polls. Enrico Mentana talks about this in his news on October 9th. The director announces the parties that, in the last week, had the greatest growth and decline. Small setback for the prime minister’s party. Fratelli d’Italia lost 0.4%, going from 29.1% to 28.7%. Another setback […]

Search La7, Schlein’s PD is stuck. Renzi sinks, Brothers of Italy flies

Search La7, Schlein’s PD is stuck. Renzi sinks, Brothers of Italy flies Search La7, Schlein’s PD is stuck.  Renzi sinks, Brothers of Italy flies

New SWG research on La7 news on Monday, October 2nd. In the news directed by Enrico Mentana, voting guidelines and variations are proposed in relation to the previous week, from which the constant Fratelli d’Italia emerges. In fact, Giorgia Meloni’s party leads the ranking of Italians’ trust in parties, growing in seven days by 0.4% […]

Swg Poll: Melons Avalanche and the Democratic Party is Sinking. Action Return / Italia Viva

Swg Poll: Melons Avalanche and the Democratic Party is Sinking. Action Return / Italia Viva Swg Poll: Melons Avalanche and the Democratic Party is Sinking.  Action Return / Italia Viva

The numbers speak for themselves. The new Swg poll on Italian voting intentions on October 31, read by Enrico Mentana during the La7 news, attests to the unstoppable growth of Fratelli d’Italia against other parties. Giorgia Meloni’s party rose 0.8% and went from 28.3% to 29.1%. Not only that, the survey reveals some news: it’s […]

Omnibus, Gian Marco Centinaio vs. Laura Boldrini: It gave me the chills

Omnibus, Gian Marco Centinaio vs. Laura Boldrini: It gave me the chills Omnibus, Gian Marco Centinaio vs. Laura Boldrini: It gave me the chills

Controversy continues over the election of new Speakers of the House and Senate. The opposition criticized the choice of Ignazio La Russa and Lorenzo Fontana as second and third positions in the state. This was also discussed during the October 19 episode of “Omnibus”. In the studio was Northern League player Gian Marco Centinaio who […]

Myrta Merlino “writes” the government program for Giorgia Meloni: “Explain better about abortion. LGBT rights must be defended”

Myrta Merlino “writes” the government program for Giorgia Meloni: “Explain better about abortion. LGBT rights must be defended” Myrta Merlino “writes” the government program for Giorgia Meloni: “Explain better about abortion. LGBT rights must be defended”

“Dear Giorgia, I’m writing to you.” More than an open letter, the one read by Myrta Merlino during the episode of “L’aria che tira” on La7 is a true government program suggested by the journalist to the future prime minister. “You will be the first woman president of the Council of our Republic – attacks […]

Emma Bonino shows from Mentana. “I wanted to lead the Defense, but…”. Then the jab in Paragone

Emma Bonino shows from Mentana. “I wanted to lead the Defense, but…”. Then the jab in Paragone Emma Bonino shows from Mentana.  “I wanted to lead the Defense, but…”.  Then the jab in Paragone

Emma Bonino show on The Last Word, the special of Tg La 7 with Enrico Mentana’s interviews with the political leaders involved in the elections on Sunday, September 25th. Senator + Europe spared no surprises and jokes, ending the face-to-face with the news director with a punch at the marathon’s next guest, Gianluigi Paragone of […]

Enrico Mentana, frost in the studio with Giuseppe Conte on the M5s

Enrico Mentana, frost in the studio with Giuseppe Conte on the M5s Enrico Mentana, frost in the studio with Giuseppe Conte on the M5s

Enrico Mentana welcomes Giuseppe Conte to his television studio for the scheduled pre-election interview with the head of the Five Star Movement. And the tones heat up immediately, as Conte had already given the hole to Mentana himself in TgLa7. “But do you realize that everything that happened to you was a great fortune?”, Mentana […]
