Tag: Leadership

The pulses in vote for Petro government reforms

The pulses in vote for Petro government reforms The pulses in vote for Petro government reforms

Although the Interior Minister Luis Fernando Velascowill announce that votes are being sought in each of the parliamentarians of the independent parties, such as the Conservative Party and La U, the truth is that even in the official benches, such as the Liberal Party or the Green Alliance, not all votes for the health reform, […]

In progress final details for 2023 Atlantic elections

In progress final details for 2023 Atlantic elections In progress final details for 2023 Atlantic elections

Within his appreciation of the political realities that exist in the Colombian Caribbean and much of the national territory, the former minister claimed that young people today do not trust political parties because of all the situations they have experienced in the past. “Young people no longer feel connected to any party and are not […]

Montenegro against drifting government and with “linked party”

Montenegro against drifting government and with “linked party” Montenegro against drifting government and with “linked party”

The speech is tailored to this first month of PSD leadership. Luís Montenegro guarantees that he had no “surprises”, either at the party level or in the role of opponent of the government. It is in this role, as an “alternative” to António Costa, that he places himself from the start. “We have a government […]

The Red Pro has signed an employment contract and entrepreneurship

The Red Pro has signed an employment contract and entrepreneurship The Red Pro has signed an employment contract and entrepreneurship

Red PRO, an alliance between Proantioquia, Probarranquilla, Probogotá Region, Propacífico, Prorisaralda and Prosantander, has signed an agreement to promote sustainable development and employment for youth and women, food security, entrepreneurship and social leadership in Colombia. “The businessmen of Red Pro’s Board of Directors come together to send a message of unity, hope and optimism. In […]
