The new increases foreseen by the law on the re-evaluation of pensions will come into force in January. Therefore, treatments are increasing again, even if the increase is quite small: less than twenty euros, so to speak, for people who receive around two thousand euros net, half of which is with a pension of around […]
Tag: maneuver 2025
Meloni: “The left is only strong in newspapers, you learn more when you go to the grocery store…”
In less than forty minutes to celebrate his years in government, reiterate that he has no intention of changing course on the immigration issue and attacking the centre-left directly. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni spoke in Perugia, where the regional votes were held. The fight is between centre-right candidate Donatella Tesei and centre-left candidate Stefania Proietti. […]
Less taxes for more people: How could the budget change?
Reduce the second Irpef rate from 35 percent to 33 percent, expand the income range up to 60 thousand euros. This is the aim of Forza Italia, which submitted a proposal to amend the budget law approved by the majority a few weeks ago. Some 15 billion euros have been allocated for the reform of […]
Tax cuts on the horizon from 2025: three income bracket rule
Three income brackets with a general cap on reimbursable expenses. The government aims to revolutionize the regulation of tax deductions by introducing a mechanism based on the “family coefficient”, which it expects to achieve around a billion euros. The change of course was announced by Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti and his deputy Maurizio Leo at […]