Tag: mariastella gelmini

From Liga Norte to rivals, greetings to Roberto Maroni:

From Liga Norte to rivals, greetings to Roberto Maroni: From Liga Norte to rivals, greetings to Roberto Maroni:

Italian politics salutes Roberto Maroni. Immediately after the announcement this morning of the death of the former Minister of the Interior, several messages of condolence arrived. Not only the League party comrades, with the moving memory of Matteo Salvini, but also several political opponents of Maroni, such as Matteo Renzi. “Hello Bobo. It was nice […]

Government, the revolution is pink: legislature under the sign of women

Government, the revolution is pink: legislature under the sign of women Government, the revolution is pink: legislature under the sign of women

The nineteenth legislature began under the sign of Venus. Decidedly. And not just because with Giorgia Meloni’s move to Palazzo Chigi, the taboo of having a woman as prime minister was broken, after thirty male presidents who alternated in sixty-seven different governments. An absolute novelty positively hailed both by the right, as was widely expected, […]

Letizia Moratti, new direction for the Milan march. Handshakes with Calenda and Gelmini

Letizia Moratti, new direction for the Milan march. Handshakes with Calenda and Gelmini Letizia Moratti, new direction for the Milan march.  Handshakes with Calenda and Gelmini

New course for Letizia Moratti. After his resignation from the vice-presidency of the Lombardy region, Moratti sanctioned his break with the centre-right. She participated in the march for peace in Ukraine organized in Milan and there she also met Carlo Calenda and other exponents of the Third Pole. Presented his first official departure after his […]

Mariastella Gelmini with open letters: “A merit of Giorgia Meloni…” What the minister admits

Mariastella Gelmini with open letters: “A merit of Giorgia Meloni…” What the minister admits Mariastella Gelmini with open letters: “A merit of Giorgia Meloni…” What the minister admits

“Why do I, a voter, have to vote for the Third Pole? Just one reason.” The interview with Mariastella Gelmini, a guest in Tagadà at La7 on Thursday, September 15, begins with a dry question from presenter Tiziana Panella. “As the coalitions of the right and left have already broken up in this legislature, they […]

Forza Italia, Mariastella Gelmini’s new impulse: “Even those who remained …”

Forza Italia, Mariastella Gelmini’s new impulse: “Even those who remained …” Forza Italia, Mariastella Gelmini’s new impulse: “Even those who remained …”

“We will be the surprise of the vote and the pact between Italia Viva and Action will be carried out even after 25 September.” The Minister for Regional Affairs, Mariastella Gelmini, speaks Corriere della Seraagain attacks the center-right and with extreme certainty guarantees that Action, in a hypothetical government led by Giorgia Meloni, will never […]

Third Pola, Mariastella Gelmini with Action warns former allies: “Whom we take the votes from now”

Third Pola, Mariastella Gelmini with Action warns former allies: “Whom we take the votes from now” Third Pola, Mariastella Gelmini with Action warns former allies: “Whom we take the votes from now”

“We are the party of good governance, of seriousness, of responsibility. The ones who carry the Draghi agenda.” Mariastella Gelmini focuses on the evocation of the outgoing prime minister, in an interview with Republic during which it claims the validity of the Third Pole project, following the agreement between Renzi and Calenda. Mission, focus more […]

What Gelmini said about Berlusconi, the overture to L’Aria Che Tira: who is the Cav

What Gelmini said about Berlusconi, the overture to L’Aria Che Tira: who is the Cav What Gelmini said about Berlusconi, the overture to L’Aria Che Tira: who is the Cav

Mariastella Gelmini, a former loyalist of Silvio Berlusconi who has now joined the party with Carlo Calenda, guest of L’aria che tira Estate, comments on the Cav’s harsh words after his departure from Forza Italia. “I’m sorry, your words hurt,” admits Gelmini. As soon as he learned of Brunetta and Gelmini’s departure from his party, […]

Action, Mariastella Gelmini approaches the break with the Democratic Party: “Pacts not respected by Enrico Letta”

Action, Mariastella Gelmini approaches the break with the Democratic Party: “Pacts not respected by Enrico Letta” Action, Mariastella Gelmini approaches the break with the Democratic Party: “Pacts not respected by Enrico Letta”

There are not just rumors, rumors and indiscretions to seriously compromise the close alliance between Action and the Democratic Party. Officially speaking is Mariastella Gelmini, who left Forza Italia to later join the party of Carlo Calenda, which sends unequivocal signals after the alliance between the dem and the Italian left and between the men […]

In Onda, Parenzo explodes in Gelmini and Carfagna: “No festini? Horrible.” And the sentence becomes a case

In Onda, Parenzo explodes in Gelmini and Carfagna: “No festini? Horrible.” And the sentence becomes a case In Onda, Parenzo explodes in Gelmini and Carfagna: “No festini?  Horrible.” And the sentence becomes a case

“Horrible and inelegant statement.” David Parenzo and Concita De Gregorio, hosts of the political lecture In Onda at LA7, Friday 29 July, criticize Abruzzo Governor Marco Marsilio’s words about Mara Carfagna and Mariastella Gelmini. But what happened? Renato Brunetta, Mara Carfagna and Mariastella Gelmini left Forza Italia at odds with Silvio Berlusconi’s decision to “flatten” […]

Political elections 2022, Mariastella Gelmini’s plan: moving forward with the Draghi method

Political elections 2022, Mariastella Gelmini’s plan: moving forward with the Draghi method Political elections 2022, Mariastella Gelmini’s plan: moving forward with the Draghi method

The “new beginning” in Action after twenty years at Forza Italia “I owe it to President Draghi with whom I collaborated for 17 months, to the President of the Republic, to the Italians. And also to the FI voters who did not agree with the decision to overthrow the government.” Mariastella Gelmini, Minister for Regional […]
