Tag: money laundering

Former EU Commissioner Didier Reynders suspected of money laundering

Former EU Commissioner Didier Reynders suspected of money laundering Former EU Commissioner Didier Reynders suspected of money laundering

Police in Belgium have raided several properties linked to former EU Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders. He is suspected of money laundering. Belgian police searched several properties of former EU Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders on suspicion of money laundering, the website Follow the Money and Belgian daily Le Soir, followed by Euronews, reported late Tuesday evening. […]

The trial of Alex Saab in Barranquilla will be reactivated in February 2024

The trial of Alex Saab in Barranquilla will be reactivated in February 2024 The trial of Alex Saab in Barranquilla will be reactivated in February 2024

In February 2024 the process against Alex Saab for allegedly committing the crimes of aggravated money launderingproduct of underlying crimes such as conspiracy, illegal enrichment of individuals and aggravated fraud. This medium learned that the Public Prosecutor’s Office continues to collect material evidence related to the investigation that the said figurehead of Nicolás Maduro is […]

Legal representatives and collaborators of the Holy Land, among those captured in the raid

Legal representatives and collaborators of the Holy Land, among those captured in the raid Legal representatives and collaborators of the Holy Land, among those captured in the raid

After a week of interventions in Barranquilla and other areas of the Caribbean in the branches of the Society Holy Land SAS, the nation’s attorney general, Francisco Barbosa, and the director of the national police, Major General Henry Sanabria Cely, in joint statements on Wednesday, Sept. 14, provided details of the operation being conducted against […]

Alex Saab: delay American documents postponement of money laundering case

Alex Saab: delay American documents postponement of money laundering case Alex Saab: delay American documents postponement of money laundering case

Saab’s defense, for its part, has been suspicious of access he may have to some of the documents “supporting” the diplomatic immunity the accused claims to have, especially given that during his appeal in an Atlanta court there were several were in that sense. “If there is evidence, we have the right,” the defense stressed. […]

Worthy Palomino would ‘launder’ money with picó dancing

Worthy Palomino would ‘launder’ money with picó dancing Worthy Palomino would ‘launder’ money with picó dancing

During this Sunday, the Metropolitan Police of Barranquilla made an intervention to a picó dance without clear permission that was to be performed in a place known as International galley or fantasy islandin Barlovento, a town in the historic center of the capital of Atlantic Ocean. According to the armed institution, such activity would have […]

Court allegedly called Alex Saab to testify in the Piedad Córdoba . case

Court allegedly called Alex Saab to testify in the Piedad Córdoba . case Court allegedly called Alex Saab to testify in the Piedad Córdoba . case

Judge Cristina Lombana, of the Supreme Court, allegedly called to testify Alex Saab, indicated figurehead of Nicolás Maduro, in the trial following former Senator Piedad Córdoba for an alleged conspiracy of international money laundering and alleged illegal enrichment with the Caracas regime. Lombana requests in a document to the US government “Judicial cooperation within the […]

Chamorro opposition sentenced to 8 years in Nicaragua

Chamorro opposition sentenced to 8 years in Nicaragua Chamorro opposition sentenced to 8 years in Nicaragua

Oppositionist Cristiana Chamorro Barrios, who avoided being imprisoned by Nicaragua’s President Daniel Ortega during the controversial recent presidential election, was convicted this Monday to eight years in prison for the crimes of money laundering, property and assets, embezzlement and improper retention, abuse of management and ideological lies. Chamorro, a 68-year-old journalist by profession and who […]
