Vox leader, Santiago Abascal, took the Atreju stage, greeted by the applause of those present. Abascal arrived yesterday at the Fratelli d’Italia event taking place in the gardens of Castel Sant’Angelo, in Rome. His presence was challenged by members of the left, following statements made to Clarín. In the interview with the Argentine newspaper, Abascal […]
Tag: Pedro Sanches
Spain, Procaccini and Fidanza against the new Sanchez government: “Dangerous precedent”
The new Sanchez government in Spain is causing a real stir. Fratelli d’Italia representatives in the European Parliament have no doubts and believe that the Sanchez executive represents a dangerous precedent for democracy. “Exactly what we would no longer like to see in Italy is happening in Spain: a party defeated in the elections, Sánchez’s […]
Spain, 100 thousand on the streets against the agreement between Sanchez and the Catalans for amnesty
The Spanish Parliament will vote on Thursday to confirm the new government of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, who has secured the support of Catalan separatist parties. Parliamentary debates will begin at 11am on Wednesday, with a confidence vote expected on Thursday, said Chamber President Francina Armengol. In exchange for the votes of Catalan separatists, Sánchez […]