Tag: pierfrancesco majorino

Regional elections 2023, the first showing in Lombardy Fontana crown: challenge without history

Regional elections 2023, the first showing in Lombardy Fontana crown: challenge without history Regional elections 2023, the first showing in Lombardy Fontana crown: challenge without history

After instant polls and exit polls, the first projections also highlight the great victory of the center right in the 2023 regional elections. In particular, Swg, during the Mentana Marathon that is broadcast on La7, provided data from Lombardy. With a coverage of 9% we note the great success of Attilio Fontana, outgoing governor, who […]

Elections, Majorino’s sensational gaffe in Calabria. One-Eye softens: “He’s an idiot”

Elections, Majorino’s sensational gaffe in Calabria. One-Eye softens: “He’s an idiot” Elections, Majorino’s sensational gaffe in Calabria.  One-Eye softens: “He’s an idiot”

A sentence that caused an uproar. Pierfrancesco Majorino, candidate for the presidency of the Region of Lombardy by the center-left and M5S in the elections to be held at the weekend, apologized for a sensational gaffe on Calabria committed, as he himself reports, during a television broadcast. Hence a video, released by his staff, in […]

Poll of Lombardy, ko on the left. Who wins the election

Poll of Lombardy, ko on the left. Who wins the election Poll of Lombardy, ko on the left.  Who wins the election

63% of Lombard citizens say they are little or not at all satisfied with Attilio Fontana’s work, but 44% of Lombards trust him and around 41% would vote for him in February’s regional elections. This is what emerges from the Winpoll survey for Scenari Politici. A poll that confirms the strength of the centre-right in […]

Conte-Pd the last fight is over Majorino: agreement in Lombardy under discussion

Conte-Pd the last fight is over Majorino: agreement in Lombardy under discussion Conte-Pd the last fight is over Majorino: agreement in Lombardy under discussion

The “moral issue” stirs relations between the Democratic Party and the M5S, with Giuseppe Conte questioning the agreement reached in Lombardy on Majorino’s candidacy for governor. A few days ago, the pentastellato political leader had thus motivated the decision not to support Alessio D’Amato in Lazio: “I cannot accept that in a list of the […]

Lombardy, Renzi proposes the Moratti-Majorino ticket. So the attack against Conte

Lombardy, Renzi proposes the Moratti-Majorino ticket. So the attack against Conte Lombardy, Renzi proposes the Moratti-Majorino ticket.  So the attack against Conte

Matteo Renzi continues in his role as the great architect of the country’s political destiny. This time the focus is on regional elections in Lombardy. «The friends of the Lombardo Democratic Party know this: if tomorrow morning, in a moment of general recovery, Majorino decides to become deputy of Moratti, we in Lombardy will win […]

Majorino, Calenda mocks the Democratic Party: “Don’t spoil us too in Lazio, let’s win at least one”

Majorino, Calenda mocks the Democratic Party: “Don’t spoil us too in Lazio, let’s win at least one” Majorino, Calenda mocks the Democratic Party: “Don’t spoil us too in Lazio, let’s win at least one”

The choice of Pierfrancesco Majorino as the sole centre-left candidate in Lombardy provokes a backlash from Carlo Calenda. According to the leader of Ação, this movement moves the Democratic Party to positions far from those it should represent, thus risking losing yet another electoral battle after the clash of the latest policies. “The Democratic Party […]
